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=Time Skip=

Yu Yan's Pov

Wu Zhe and LuoLuo finally found Xu Jiaqi's body.But the thing is she was unconscious and was covered with a lot of blood.And bad news is....... Doctor said that Xu Jiaqi got into a coma.

She almost died 2 times after she was brought to the hospital. I am now sitting here looking at Xu Jiaqi who had a bandage around her head, arms and legs. Dai Meng and the others were here but they went to eat and I didn't want to come.It was sad seeing the love of your life suffering and unconscious in a bed at the hospital.

As time goes on , Dai Meng and the others came back. Xu Jiaqi's and NY parents are also here.

"Yu Yan you should go home.Take a rest." Mama Xu said.

"I won't Mama.I can't leave Xu Jiaqi." I said to her as she nodded.

"I'll stay with you." Dai Meng and Keran said at the sametime.

"Bu-" I was cut off.

"Nope.We're staying." Keran said as I sigh and nodded.

They smiled as the others leave. Leaving us three with an unconscious Xu Jiaqi.

"So what do you want to do?" Keran ask as I look at her.

"Oh come on!" Keran said.

I know that she wanted to play a video games. But right now is not the time to.

"<Sigh>Just go and play it Keran.I'm not going to play." I said to her.

"Fine." Keran said.

"Sometimes I think I'm older than you Jie." I said to her.

"Well I sometimes would think if you were born before me." She said as she rolled her eyes and went to play the game.

"Meng." I called her.

"Hm?" She hummed.

"Will Kiki wake up?Will she leave me?" I ask her as I look at Xu Jiaqi's body as my eyes started to water.

"Hey.She will wake up ok?And no I don't think she'll leave you Yan." Dai Meng said as she hug me.

"B-But what if she will?" I ask her.

"I promise you she won't." She said as she hug me.

I look at Xu Jiaqi unconscious body and smile a little.

"I found you Kiki.But I couldn't protect you.From now on I'll protect you no matter what.I promise you Kiki."

"I will not make the same mistake as before."

To be continued....


Thank you so much for reading "My Secret about My young Secretary"

Don't worry they will be a second book.But it will take awhile tho.

I'm sorry if this is a bad ending or short ending.I don't know what to do actually for the ending so I just did this.

I hope you like it.

My we meet again.-Author

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