Chapter 19

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Yu Yan Pov

I was in the middle of the night when I heard some noise from Xu Jiaqi.I look at her and saw her literally bathing in her own sweat.I got up and take her towel of her forehead to feel her temperature.When I did I felt that it was so hot like a boiling water.So I quickly got up and goes outside to get a bowl for a cold water when I met Yanni with Dai Meng.

"Oh Two Dai.What are you doing here still not asleep?"I ask them as they look at me.

"We just can't sleep.I'm thinking about who is going to take care of Xu Jiaqi since we have work tomorrow while Yanni just couldn't sleep."Dai Meng said.

"Oh and what are you doing here too.I thought you have already fallen asleep?"Yanni said.

"I woke up hearing Xu Jiaqi making a noise and when I look at her.The kid is literally bathing in her own sweat.So I got up and feel her forehead but the temperature is more worst than her temperature she was before she fell asleep.So I got out here to get a bowl."I said to them as I got the bowl from the cabinet.

"She is still hot?I thought it was getting better already."Dai Meng said as I walk near them.

"Well nope.She didn't got any better than she was before.I thought that at least her fever would go down at night but it just got more worst than it was before."I said to them.

"So what are we going to do?Xu Jiaqi's parents won't be here in 5 days since her grandmother got sick so they didn't want to leave her and planning on staying there more if her grandmother sickness is even more worst."Dai Meng said to me.

"I guess you have to take her with you.Since I'm busy with work and I don't trust Xinran on taking care of Xu Jiaqi."Yanni said.

"I guess that's the plan.I don't want their friends to take care of her since her friends are pretty busy on their school since Xu Jiaqi told me that her friends are busy with a project."Dai Meng said.

"Yeah I think so too.I guess we have to take Xu Jiaqi with us since there's no one can babysit her and I'm also scare if something happen to her when we're not home."I said to them.

"Yeah.I guess that's the plan."Dai Meng said.

"Ok see you.I'm going back to my room to take care of her."I said as I waved them goodbye.

I walk into the room with a bowl of cold water and a towel.I got to the bed as I slowly help Xu Jiaqi to sit at the head of the bed.I slowly unbutton her shirt and wiped all of her sweat with the cold water.After I'm done wiping her with the cold water.I put the bowl and the towel near the nightstand and button back Xu Jiaqi's shirt and laid her down.I got the thermometer and put it in her mouth.I slowly took the thermometer out of her mouth to see her temperature.

"You're still so hot.I guess we really have to bring you with us tomorrow."I said to her even though the kid couldn't hear me.

I put the thermometer away as laid back in bed as I cuddled with her.I played with her face until I fall asleep.

~~~~The Next Day~~~~

I woke up the next day and rubbed my eyes a little before getting up from my bed.I got up from my bed and saw Xu Jiaqi still sleeping.I felt her forehead and it was still so hot but not as hot as it was in the middle of the night.I go to my closet and pick out my favourite white suit that I love to wear and got into the bathroom to shower.After getting shower I change my clothes and got out of the bathroom to only see a still sleeping Xu Jiaqi.I got out of my room and goes outside and welcome to a scene when Mohan and Xue'er is cooking while the others sit at the couch.

"Oh hey Yan!Is Xu Jiaqi ok?Did her temperature have gone down?"I heard Dai Meng said to me.

"<Sigh>No really.Her fever is still burning hot but it's not as bad as it was in the middle of the night."I said to her.

"Did she wake up yet?"Keyin ask.

"No she is still not awake.I better woke her up before we accidentally left her here."I said as I went back to my room to wake up the kid.

"Xiao Qi.Wake up now."I said as I slowly shook her.

"Hmm..."She said as she got up and rubbed her eyes.

"Xiao Qi.Today you have to come with us to the office since there's no one going to take care of you."I said as I patted her head.

"Jiejie.Can't I just stay here?"She ask me.

"Sorry bud.We have to take you with us."I said to her.

"But I'm already 17.I don't need to be taken care of."She said.

"Xiao Qi.As old as you are.You still need to be taken care of."I said to her.

"Fine."She said as she look at me.

"Now go get a shower.I'll be waiting for you here while you take a shower."I said and she nodded.

Xu Jiaqi walk in to the bathroom with the clothes I gave her.After awhile she got out and walk towards me.

"Jiejie.I'm done now."She said as she look at me.

"Now let's go."I said as I hold her hand and we walk outside to where the others were.

"Xiao Qi!Are you ok?"Keyin said as she cupped the kid's cheeks.

"Yeah.But my head still hurt."She said as she look at Keyin.

"It's ok we will take care of you.Now let's go guys."Keyin said.

We got out of the apartment as Dai Meng lock the door.We walked to the parking lot as Xu Jiaqi just hold my hands.We got into the van and I putted Xu Jiaqi on my lap and she laid her head on my shoulder.After a couple of minutes Keran drive Xu Jiaqi have fallen asleep on me.

'Xiao Qi.You're still the kid I know.'I think to myself as I look at the kid sleeping soundly in my hands.

Thank You for reading 😊❤️❤️ Hope you have a nice day!!😁😁

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