Chapter 23

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Yu Yan Pov

Just as we started to go on with our plan.Someone knock on our door.I go and open the door.But I didn't expect to see Wu Zhe with Lin Fan.

"Wu Zhe??What are you doing here??"I ask her.

"I catch Zhuo going inside Jieqiong Jiejie's apartment and she took something from there.But I didn't know what it was but I heard her saying something about planning on killing Xu Jiaqi."She said to me.

"She What?!?!"I ask.

"I'm telling the truth Jie.She said she wasn't planning on killing her but after I heard she said by torturing Xu Jiaqi was nothing.So she planned on killing her and I came here to help you."She said.

"Huh? Aren't you just a child?What can you help us with?"I ask her in disbelief of the words she said.

"Don't underestimate a child Jie....and by the way I'm almost an adult so please stop calling me a child."She said.

"Ok then.Come in.But Linfan why are you here?"I ask.

"I bet Wu Zhe and the others didn't tell you.Wu Zhehan is my younger cousin."She said.

"YOU IDIOTS DIDN'T TELL ME ABOUT THIS?!?"I yell at the others who is seating at the living room.

"Jie please don't shout.We're outside right now and people can hear you if scream outside."Wu Zhe said to me.

"Sorry couldn't control it..."I said awkwardly.

"Don't be.I have always needs to hear Sun Rui and Luoluo shout all the time."Wu Zhe said to me.

We got in our apartment and Wu Zhe and Linfan sit at the floor and Wu Zhe tell us a plan.

"Actually Jie.Something you didn't know about me is I own or maybe my dad own a secret agent base and Linfan Jiejie is one of the agent while I'm the head agent before she took care of the role when I went missing.And I also own a secret army base which is bigger than Yanni's Jiejie.We have track down to where's Xu Jiaqi and the others were and found that she is in a near by forest at Jieqiong Jiejie apartment.I send someone to look there before I go to your apartment.Well suck to be her,She is pretty poor since her base is lack of security but a lot of guards.So all we need is to sneak in and untied them and tried to take them somewhere safe before an army came to safe us.We will take the back way since it's one of the most weakest spot.We will have to wear some gear so she wouldn't have the chance to even laid a bullet in our skin.Since we have the best armer.But the thing I'm scare of is about Xu Jiaqi and the others.Zhuo might shoot them before we can even untied her.So just remember to place them at the back if Zhuo or one of the guard tried to shoot them.I think that's it since we will make the last meeting before we go there."Wu Zhe said.

"Wow!!Now I'm really doesn't want to underestimate these kids.They really have done so much things at a young age."Anqi said.

"Just letting you know never underestimate Xu Jiaqi fighting mode.She is pretty smart at this but she is pretty weak when it comes to her family and friends.Oh and I bet uncle Xu didn't tell you about Xu Jiaqi is a spy."Wu Zhe said.

"What?!?Xu Jiaqi is a spy?!?"We yelled at the same time.

"Well she is.Only her family and we know about it.Even Sun Rui and the others knows about it.But Xu Jiaqi is too soft when it comes to her friends and even her brainless seniors.She just hated fighting people but she is still pretty weak."Wu Zhe said.

"She always do the planning and the sneaky task.Since she is the best at that but not her fighting skill."Linfan said.

"How long have Xu Jiaqi being a spy??"I ask.

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