Chapter 14

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Xu Jiaqi Pov

I ran to towards them as I pick up a small rock at throw it at one of my old seniors.I throw the rock and it immediately hit one of my seniors head.They hiss and look back and saw me and smirk while walking slowly towards me.

"The famous Kiki Xu Jiaqi I see."One of my seniors say to me.

"Shut up Dage.And don't ever call me that again!!"I yelled at her.Just letting you know I used to go to school at Snh48 Campus but transfer with Sun Rui, Xu YangYuZhuo,Zhang Yuge and Zhang Xin since we were getting bully by Dage,Feng Xinduo and Zhao Yue.And yes Zhang Xin is Xu YangYuZhuo girlfriend.

"Getting brave I see."Feng Xinduo senior said as they walk faster to me and I ran from them as the three left Xu YangYuZhuo and tried running after me.

"XU YANGYUZHUO!! DON'T WORRY SUN RUI WILL COME HERE SOON SO STAY THERE UNTIL HER COME!!"I yelled out to her as I ran as fast as I can from my seniors.

I ran thru the playground near by and jump from the stairs to the other side.I look back and saw them near me so I ran faster but I was so tired that I accidentally ran thru an aisle that is a dead end.

'Oh no!!'I said in my head as I turn around and saw them near me.

"Got lost huh kid?"Dage said as she hold onto my collar and start punching me.She called the others and they also started punching me.I fell to the ground as Dage hit me hard on the stomach.She also punch my face.They kept on punching me until I almost pass out.

"See you later NERD!"Dage said as she punch me for the last time as the others walk away with her laughing.

I groaned in pain and after awhile it started to get dark and I pass out at the aisle.

Xu YangYuZhuo Pov

"XU YANGYUZHUO!! DON'T WORRY SUN RUI WILL COME HERE SOON SO STAY THERE UNTIL HER COME!!"I heard Xu Jiaqi said as she ran with our old seniors chase her.

I look at my phone and dialed Zhang Xin phone number.

"Babe where are you?!?!"Was the first thing she said when she pick up the phone.

"I'm near an aisle."I said.

"Is Xu Jiaqi there??"She ask.

"No babe she is getting chase by the seniors when she throw a rock at Dage."I said to her.

"Wait I think I can see you."Zhang Xin said as she hung up the call and ran towards me.

"Babe are you ok? Did they hurt you?"Zhang Xin ask me as she hug me.I just chuckled at her.

"No babe I'm ok.But I hope nothing happen to Xu Jiaqi."I said as we broke the hug.

"Yeah we better go and find her."Sun Rui said.

"But how??She is literally running and of course she won't pick up her phone."Zhang Yuge ask Sun Rui.

"Well maybe I have a tracking device on her phone."Sun Rui said as she smirked.

She open her phone and saw that Xu Jiaqi is not moving.

"Wait why is Xu Jiaqi is not moving?!?!"I ask her in panic.

"I think something happen to her Rui Ge."Zhang Xin said.

"Yeah me too.Let's go and find her.Follow me."Sun Rui said as she run while looking at her phone.

After a couple of minutes we finally reach the place where Xu Jiaqi was suppose to be.

"Where the hell is she?!?!On the map it's supposed to be right here."Sun Rui said as she groaned.

"Guys!!X-Xu Jiaqi!!"Zhang Yuge said.

We look at her and saw her holding onto Xu Jiaqi's.We froze on spot when we saw a lot of blood on Xu Jiaqi face and everywhere.

"Xu Jiaqi!!Wake up!!"I said as I shook her but she didn't wake up.

"Guys!!Put Xu Jiaqi on my back right now!!We taking her to her Jiejie's apartment!!"Sun Rui said to us.We carry Xu Jiaqi and put her on Sun Rui backs and Sun Rui carry Xu Jiaqi on her back.We ran as fast as we could to bring Xu Jiaqi to her Jiejie's apartment.Well we know where Xu Jiaqi Jiejie's lives since we have been there a couple of times.We got to the apartment and I knock so fast cuz in panic.

"COMING!!"I recognize that voice.It's Keyin Jie.

At the house after Xu Jiaqi left.

Xie Keyin Pov

Yu Yan when back after Xu Jiaqi left in a rush.

"What happened to that kid??"Yu Yan ask.

"I don't know.I think something happen to her bestfriend."I said to her.

"But one thing I know when she got back home she's going to get her butt smack by me."Yu Yan said.

"Well I can't do anything about that.If that's your choice on teaching her a lesson.If it's you then I don't care cuz you have a great thing on why you want to do that but Anqi want to smack her butt because of stating the truth then that's wrong."I said to her as I patted her shoulder.

We start making lunch.Well maybe only Yu Yan,Yuxin,Xue'er and Mohan who is cooking since the others are either bad at it or just doesn't want to.After a couple of minutes on they started cooking I heard a knock.

"COMING!!"I yelled as I get up from the couch.

I open the door and immediately welcome with Sun Rui,Zhang Yuge,Zhang Xin,Xu YangYuZhuo and Xu Jiaqi who is being carried on Sun Rui back.

"W-What happen?!?"I said as I look at them.

"We can tell you after this but please help us carried Xu Jiaqi."Xu YangYuZhuo said and Keran came to me.

"What the heck happen?!?"Keran ask.

"We'll tell you after this."Zhang Xin said.

Keran go outside and carried Xu Jiaqi in a bride style to the couch and yelled for the others.

"Guys!!!Stop what are you doing and come here right now!!"Keran said.

"Babe no need to shout.They are right here."I said to her.

"Hehehe Sorry babe."She said to me.

I look at Xu Jiaqi and saw a lot of bruises on her face and there's also blood.I cupped her face as I move a strand of hair that was blocking her face.

'What the hell happened to you kid??'I think to myself.


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