Chapter 36

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Wu Zhehan's Pov

At the red light I look at my side and saw that LuoLuo have fallen asleep.I look at the back and saw Xu Jiaqi have also fallen asleep.I shook my head as I look back straight and wait for the light to turn green.

As I was waiting someone call me.So I put my earpiece on as I start driving.

"Wei?"I said.

"Wu Zhe.It's me Yu Yan Jiejie."Yu Yan Jiejie said.

"Oh Yu Yan Jiejie.What's wrong? I thought you were busy."

"Well my work is finished now and I'm home so you can bring Xu Jiaqi here."

"Ok then."I said as I changed route to Yu Yan Jiejie apartment.

"Oh and your dad was here.He said that you and LuoLuo will be living beside our apartment."

"Really?!I told him not too."

"Well he want you to have an easy way to go to spy station with Xu Jiaqi."

"<Groaned>He really need to start saving his money."

"Well too late now.He already gave me your keys."

"Oh Yu Yan Jiejie I've arrived.Can you come down and get Xu Jiaqi since she and LuoLuo fell asleep and I can't carry both at the same time."

"<Chuckled>Ok I'm coming."She said as she hang up the call.

I waited for Yu Yan Jiejie and after like a minute I saw her with Xue'er Jiejie.I open my door as I get out.

"Oh you're here too Xue'er Jiejie."I said.

"Welp.Yu Yan said that you will need help on opening your new apartment door.Since you will carrying LuoLuo."Xue'er Jiejie said as I saw Yu Yan Jiejie going to the back getting Xu Jiaqi with one hand and other hand carrying Xu Jiaqi's bag.

"Wow.Is Xu Jiaqi not heavy Jiejie?"I ask as I also get LuoLuo but have a hard time carrying my bag and her bag at the same time.

"Here let me help."Xue'er Jiejie said as she smiled at me.So I gave it to her.

"Well not that heavy.You know I'm tough and serious for me Xu Jiaqi is not that heavy at all."Yu Yan Jiejie said as we start walking.

"Cocky."I said as we all laugh.

We talk as we walk to our apartment.After that we finally arrived and Xue'er Jiejie help me open the door and she help me put our bag as I put LuoLuo to bed and said goodbye to them.

I took a shower and after that I laid at the bed beside a still asleep LuoLuo.I took my phone and start playing some games when Yu Yan Jiejie texted me.

Yu Yan Jiejie

Wu Zhe come here to eat dinner later.

Ok then.Make sure it's good.😂

Of course it will.
It's from the best cook in the world.

So see you soon then.

Yup bye!


"Wu Zhe?"I heard LuoLuo called for me.


"Where are we?"LuoLuo said as she sit up from the bed and look at me.

"Oh this is our new apartment and it's beside Yu Yan Jiejie one's.Oh and we will eat dinner with them today so take a shower.Dad have transfer all of our stuff here."I said to her.

"Ok then."She said as she walk to the bathroom door.

Kiki Xu Jiaqi's Pov

I woke up in a familiar place which was Yu Yan Jiejie's room.As I was getting up Yu Yan Jiejie walk in the room.

"Oh Kiki you're awake."She said as she goes to me and pick me up.

"Jiejie~Why do you love picking me up so much?"I said as Yu Yan Jiejie carried me to the bathroom and place me on the counter.

"<Chuckled>Because I love too.Remember when we was little?"Yu Yan Jiejie said as she look me in the eye.While I just hummed.

"It was always you who want to be carried like this."Yu Yan Jiejie said.

"I know that.But I still love it."I said as  I smile at her.

"<Smiled>Now get showered Wu Zhe and LuoLuo are going to eat dinner with us."

"They're here?"I ask.

"Well they live next door now.Since Uncle Wu bought them an apartment next door."She said and I nodded.

She peck my lips before leaving me in the bathroom to shower.


Yu Yan's Pov

"Xu Jiaqi.Wake up now."I said softly to Xu Jiaqi who is sleeping on my lap in the living room.

She woke up a couple of hours ago but goes back to sleep.

"I'm tired~"She said while snuggle more into me.I just chuckled a little before caressing her hair.

"But Wu Zhe and LuoLuo are coming any minute now.We have to eat dinner."I said softly to her.

"Fine.But promise me that we will cuddle tonight."She said as she finally open her eyes showing her puppy eyes at me.

"<Chuckled>Ok.Anything for my baby."I said to her.

After that we heard the door bell ring and Shuxin open it showing Wu Zhe and LuoLuo.

"Oh you guys here.Let me get the others so we can eat.Just sit there.YU YAN!"Shuxin said as she yelled out my name.

"Shuxin!You don't have to freaking yelled my name when I'm literally right here!"I yelled back at her.

"Hehehe.Sorry Yan.I forgot that you were in the living room with Xiao Qi."Shuxin said while me and Xu Jiaqi got up and sit at the table while Wu Zhe and LuoLuo laugh a little at us.

"Ok I'm going to get them now.So don't you dare eat yet or I'll kill you."Shuxin said as she went to her and Xiaotang room.

"That was loud."Xu Jiaqi said making us laugh.


Sorry if I didn't update it.I forgot about it so I'm sorry.Hope you enjoy tho.-Author😁💜

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