Chapter 1

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🔞Smut Warning🔞

"Baby, what's the most important rule I gave you?" A ravened-hair male asked the small blonde in front of him. They sat in two separate chairs, Jungkook's legs crossed while his lips touched a sip of the coffee he held in his hand. Confined walls bordered them and blocked anything that showed a speck of life.

"Never go outside." His voice was shaky and quiet. But it was just enough to be heard.


"Because it's dangerous out there, and I could get hurt."

"That's right. Do you know how I'd feel if you went outside breaking my rules?"

"I'd be punished. I don't want to make hyung upset."

"No, you don't, Yoongi-yah. Hyung just wants to make sure you're safe, healthy and happy, okay?"

He nodded. "Yes, hyung."

"But why are you in trouble now, hm?"

"Because.....I-" His hands clenched down tightly into fists as they trembled on his lap. Yoongi felt so ashamed of himself that tears were forming in his eyes.

"Baby, please don't cry...if you tell me why I'll let you back upstairs."

"I-I looked out....the window...Hyung...I'm so sorry...I've been bad." Droplets fell down his face one by one as he started to sob in his hands.

Jungkook sighed quietly and slowly stood up, stepped over to Yoongi and kneeled on one leg, placing the coffee cup down beside him. " Yoongi-yah, look at me."

His eyes slowly moved up to the man before them. Sweet doe eyes with no shine in them, cotton pink lips with no smile, and sunkissed skin with no glow.

"Yoongi-yah, you know what those bad people had done to you before, right?" A hand raised over to the male's face, fingers gently pushing the bangs away from his eyes.

"They killed my family and took my memories away..."

"Yes, they did after you got into that tragic, tragic accident, baby. Hyung had to wait for you outside of the hospital and take you in to live with him. You would've had no home without me, but I could never let that happen to you, right?"

Yoongi paused before slowly nodding. His button nose scrunched up as he sniffled. Jungkook hated to see him like that. Why must his beautiful angel stain his perfect porcelain skin with his depressing tears? Why must his strawberry pouted thin lips tremble? It hurt Jungkook way more than it hurt him. His thumb gently wiped away the tears coming from his right eye.

"Hyung would never let his baby go out into this cruel world by himself." He breathed lightly. "I love you Yoongi, since the day I've met you, I fell in love at first sight. All the love you want or desire I will give to you. If you want the spotlight or anyone's eyes focused your way, I will give mine to you. I have everything you need, so please...."

"Keep the curtains closed."

His voice was severe and coarse. Scaring Yoongi just a little bit, his hands clasping around his arm that lured upon his cheek. "Okay, hyung, I promise."

"Good boy." He took the back of his hand and placed a sweet kiss before grabbing his coffee cup and getting up. "Up Yoongi, we're going back upstairs."

The blonde smiled briefly in relief before bouncing onto his feet and taking Jungkook's hand, intertwining his larger fingers with his own. They walked upstairs, and Jungkook released his hand to lock the door shut before holding it again.

It's been two years since Yoongi started living with Jungkook in a small house with two floors. As dark and gloomy as the basement was, the main floor was pretty and welcoming. Jungkook had plants and flowers inside to give Yoongi the feeling of what it was like to be outside. Roses, lilies, daisies and even fake trees were placed around to keep him happy. As much as he hated seeing Yoongi with people, he didn't mind animals. So he kept a pomeranian pup named Mira to keep the blonde company while he went to work or bought groceries.

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