Chapter 3

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Yoongi was humming to himself peacefully in the living room. He sat on a high wooden stool, a large canvas set before him, the paints and cups of water placed beneath his seat. The man wore a long apron not to make a mess. Even though his clothes were covered, the thick liquid somehow made its way all over his face and hair. The park inspired the painting. He made the grass bright green, the trees sturdy and brown, and the sky the prettiest shades of blue. In the middle of his piece, there were three men and two dogs. It was hard to make out by the style, but he was deeply pleased with how it turned out.

"Only halfway done." He muttered to himself before his ears were distracted by the sounds coming from the entrance.

"Hey, are you home?"

It was Taehyung. He could easily recognize his voice now. Getting up, he placed his dirty paintbrush in the musky cup of water before dusting himself off reaching for the lock.

The minute the door opened, Yoongi was greeted with the most adorable smile he could ever imagine.

"Goodmorning-" The brunette stopped himself and let out a short laugh. "Goodmorning, my rainbow." The smile stayed on his face when he tilted side to side, searching for a blank spot to kiss him.

"Got any room for a welcome kiss?" Taehyung asked, puffing his lips for a yes.

Yoongi's face was bright, and he leaned up, pressing his lips gently against his. The feeling returned to his chest but eased when they pulled away. Taehyung was such a good kisser. Whoever had him first must've won the lottery too.

A caramel-black coloured dog ran over by Taehyung's feet and barked up at Yoongi, wagging its puffed tail vigorously by how much energy he carried.

"Yoongi." Taehyung fixed his bangs. "This is--"

"Yeontannie!" Yoongi cut him off and swooped the little peanut butter cup into his arms. "He's so cute." Yeontan attacked him in kisses, and Yoongi gave him some in return. Snuggling into his soft fur.

"Yeah, that's Yeontan. My son." He softly patted his dog. "I knew he would like you from the start. He's a sucker for cuties like you."

Yoongi's face tinted the same colour as a raspberry. "You're such a flirt, Taehyung-ssi."

"When I'm beside you, I can't really help it." He muttered, begging to kiss him again. But before he got the chance to ask, a tiny fluffball pounced on his shins begging for attention.

"Hello Mira~" He cooed and picked her up. He gave her the same amount of affection Yoongi gave Yeontan, which didn't last long. Both dogs started yelping out of jealousy, wanting to go back to their owner.

"Okay, okay. I'll put you down." Yoongi placed Yeontan on the ground while Taehyung followed. The two pups promptly started to play around with each other causing them to laugh.

"I'm so sorry, Taehyung. I got some paint on your dog."

"Don't worry about it, sunshine. I'll give her a nice bath when we get back home." His cocoa orbs stared into Yoongi's eyes. "Would you like to go out again today?"

The artist beamed at the offer. "Would love to, if you're willing to wait for me to clean up. I still have the mess left out in the living room, and I have to shower."

"No worries, maybe I could help you?"

Yoongi shooked his head. "I don't think that's a good idea. You should really stay out here, Taehyung."

"Yoongi, I insist. I won't do anything in there that you don't want me to. I promise..."

"Okay, I trust you. Please keep to your word. I've broken all my rules, and I'm not ready to confront Jungkook about anything yet."

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