Chapter 2

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Yoongi couldn't open the door any slower. Even Taehyung was pushing it open out of anticipation to see him.

"Yoongi?" He peeped in. Golden brown eyes were gazing into Yoongi's hues, putting him in hysteria.

His heartbeat halted. Taehyung resembled a handsome prince, standing high and mighty before him. A glance at the man was only to get an image through the clear glass, the photo being a simple static frame. But seeing him appear in front of him, a young man other than Jungkook, causing him to feel intense emotions, was strange.

"T-Taehyung.." He uttered shyly. The male in front of him swung the locks from his face.

"That's me." His voice was still comfortably deep, yet bright. "Wow, look at you. You look like the personification of sunshine."

The smaller man was flattered and laid a hair strand behind his ear. However, he felt an overwhelming sense of fear, his mind about to collapse, begging him to scream.

"Y-Yoongi?.." Taehyung stepped forward. "Are you okay?"

"I made a mistake..." His eyes began to glisten and water, his voice starting to crack. "I...I shouldn't have opened the door..."

Taehyung shooked his head. "Yoongi, what is going on, sweetheart? Is Jungkook harming you?"

Yoongi bit down forcefully on his lower lip as a tear streamed down his face. "There are rules, and I've been breaking a lot of them lately." He wiped his face gently, free from the drips. "Now you probably think I'm weak and ugly from all the crying.."

"Weak? Ugly?" Taehyung looked him dead in the eyes. "You're a work of art, Yoongi. With everything you've been through, you're more like a hero than anything."

He sniffled and started to cheer up a little, finally feeling that returning sense of relief. Taehyung didn't seem nasty or scary at all. His aura was warm and reassuring. To top it off, he smelt like a freshly-baked cinnamon bun.

"Do you still want to go on that tour with me?" Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows and winked at him. Yoongi couldn't say no to such a handsome face like his. "Actually, I..."

The small pup came running out and pounced on Taehyung with her little paws, bouncing in the air, barking loudly. Taehyung beamed and grabbed something from his pocket, zipped in a bag. "I thought there was a dog here." He chuckled while pulling out a treat and looking at Yoongi. "She doesn't have any allergies, does she?"

Yoongi signalled no, and Taehyung fed her the snack, instantly getting the pom to trust him. He petted her very gently, massaging her head the way she likes it. Mira rolled onto her back, and Taehyung rubbed her belly to the point that she was a squirming, happy pup.

"So cute," He mumbled. "She can come with us if that's okay with you."

Watching Mira get so cozy with him made Yoongi feel like there was nothing to be so concerned about. "She doesn't have a collar like the dogs on TV, and she's also never been outside. it might overwhelm her."

Taehyung glimpsed up at him and gasped. "You're kidding."

Yoongi sighed. "I wish I was."

"Where does she urinate? Do her little puppy things?"

"Oh...She uses a litter box.."

"A litter box?" Taehyung rubbed his temples. "What is she? A cat?" He shooked his head. "Not that it's a bad idea, I'm sure it's possible if you train them correctly, but dogs, especially since she's just a baby. They love to eat their feces and urine."

The blonde nodded. "That's true. Jungkook was strict on her when he caught her do it the first few times, and now she doesn't do it anymore. She goes, I tie it up in a bag and toss it in the trash."

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