Chapter 4

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TW: Self-harm / Sexual Content 🔞

Yoongi took his dog back from Taehyung, both panting heavily from their run. "Taehyung, I don't know my way around. Please take me home.."

The brunette's eyes widened. "Home? Didn't he just notice you?"

"No, he didn't." His eyes lured at his feet. "I was in the stall, and he walked in just before I came out. I panicked because I thought he was going to catch me. I'm so sorry. We should've never done this." He sniffled, dropping his face into his furry baby.

Even though Yoongi wasn't caught, Taehyung's tension wouldn't lighten from its peak. "Yoongi..."

"Hm?" His coffee-coloured eyes dimmed as he looked up at him.

"Jungkook...he saw the dog... Her collar broke...But... he didn't notice her..."

The small male sniffled again. "Mira doesn't get a lot of attention from him. But she loves him so much...So loyal yet she doesn't get pampered enough. It's not fair."

"Is that" Taehyung hissed angrily through his teeth. "Yoongi, we need to go to the police. I can't have you go back to that monster."

"I don't want to go to the police, Taehyung! What part of that do you not understand!" Yoongi argued at the sudden remark. "Take me home, please!"

Taehyung held his breath.

"Take me home!"

"Okay. I'll bring you back..." His voice cracked from all the pressure his body carried. He was shaking. How could he be so careless? Now Yoongi probably resented him. What did he see in Jungkook? Why can't he just run away from him before...

Before...he never sees him again.

He didn't get it. It wasn't fucking fair. Like the devil kept tugging him at his shoulders, mumbling in his ear. Jungkook had everything to impress Yoongi. A top-tier job, a nice house, money and highly above-average intelligence at only 21 years old. What did he achieve in his 23 years of living? Nothing! He was just a mail boy who takes care of his sick mother. The wonderful, kind, beautiful lady who enjoys baking because it distracts her from the fact that she might pass at any given moment. It grieved him inside because he couldn't do enough to heal her, do anything to save her. His father rejected him because he's never done what he's been pushed to do in college. Even the asshole wouldn't call him by his name. He was just known as the 'mail boy.'

But despite the shame and disappointment in himself. He loved his job. There were so many people who've admired him, old and young alike. He made a pregnant woman's day, made a crying child smile. Leaving warm notes around for those in need, telling them they're not alone. Now one of those people he's left a note for, he was beginning to fall for. His heart dying every time he thought about it. That person he cared so much about, taken by the worse possible person. He couldn't even be happy for them. It was all too hard to bear.

The only thing he wanted to do was free Yoongi. He couldn't fuck this up. By then, he could fulfill his sense of worth. Maybe then he could...

"Taehyung, are you okay?"

His thoughts vanished quickly at the sound of his voice. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine..."

"I'm sorry I yelled at you.." Yoongi finally caught his breath, his panic fading away, realizing he's safe. His hand wiped away the remaining tears on his face.

"It's okay, sweetheart. It's not your fault." They eventually got there, and Taehyung went with him to the front door. "If you're in any trouble, please try to contact me, or anyone else really."

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