Chapter 6

138 7 5

TW: Graphic mentions of harm and violence🔞

Hours passed by, Taehyung felt like he could freeze to death. Why was it so torturously cold? He muffled himself into the tape, trying to fix himself on his knees but could only fall back down on the ground.


Taehyung didn't even care about himself. He didn't even care if Jungkook were to kill him. If it freed Yoongi, then it's the price he's worth paying.

The door opened, and a tied man was thrown down the steps. His face slamming across the solid hard floor with a loud thud.

The lights flickered on, and when his eyes examined his face, he screamed.

Taehyung could tell the man was very attractive.


But when he glanced at him, he was missing a chunk of his nose, an eye gone from his socket, his bloody red lips split, a thick scar connecting it. On his hands, three fingers were missing—two on the left, one on the right. A foot removed.

What the fuck was going on?

The door shut, and Jungkook walked down fiercely, grabbing the man by the hair and throwing him back over beside Taehyung.

Taehyung squirmed away from the body and tried to move as far away from Jungkook as possible.

"Don't bother. It's not like you're going to be getting anywhere." He mumbled and pulled Taehyung up on his knees, ripping the tape from his mouth.

"Fuck!" Taehyung winced in pain, but Jungkook silenced him. "Make some noise, and I'm slamming your head again, got it?"

Taehyung looked at him, pure hatred in his eyes as he nodded.

"Got it?"

"I understand."

He smiled and tapped his head. "Good boy." Jungkook's eyes leered at the man behind him. "You! Get up. I didn't bring you in here to be laying on your ass!"

The man was chokingly sobbing on the ground when Jungkook stomped over to him, forcefully pulling him back up.

" more..." He begged.

Jungkook leaned close to his face. "Then behave..." His hands let go, and he grabbed a folded chair by the back wall and opened it out. He placed the chair down before the two men and eyed them carefully while he took a seat.

"Goodmorning, boys. How was your sleep?"

Taehyung kept his teeth shut. The other man too nauseous to respond.

"I said, how was your sleep?"

Taehyung gulped and slowly looked up at him. "Couldn't get much sleep due to how freezing cold it is."

"Ah? So you're freezing? I'll turn up the heat then." His eyes rolled over to the other.


Jungkook nodded. "Good."

"W-What time is it?" Taehyung asked.

"It's 7 in the morning. I have to leave for work in 2 hours."

"My father...wouldn't he be looking for me?..."

"I've already sent him a message through your phone..."

"W-What?" Taehyung blinked, not wanting to believe it.

"I hacked into your phone. Told everyone that you're going out for a few days with a friend."

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