Chapter 5

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TW: Violence, Suicidal thoughts/Past, Threats🔞

Yoongi waited for Jungkook while he went out. The dog was trapped between his arms while he sat on the couch.

"It's Saturday, and hyung's still not back yet.." He was talking to the dog. "I know I said I wanted to take a break from Taehyung, but I can't help but miss him."

Yoongi's eyes lured over to the backyard door. "I think he's hiding something in there. The sounds are getting louder but also quieter...But I don't want to ask him the wrong question. Hyung's scary."

The dog barked in response.

Yoongi picked up the donut he left on a plate on the coffee table and nibbled on it. It was hard to eat, so he took a single bite then put it back down. The male was questioning himself and Jungkook. Taehyung kept saying that he was 21, which was strange. Why would he need to lie about his age? Yoongi also wondered why he was so attached to Taehyung. Was it because of how beautiful he was? He's never seen such a godly face in his life. Jungkook had an otherworldly appearance, but the more Yoongi stayed with him, the more the term was loose for him.

"Love is such a strange emotion...." Yoongi mumbled. "But it makes me feel safe." Mira licked his face making him laugh lightly. "But when I say I love you, I mean it!" He gave kisses to the pup.

"I wonder where Jungkook is..."


Hours passed by and the door unlocked. "Hey, sweetheart. You look tired."

Yoongi drifted forward and backwards, trying not to tumble off the sofa. "Sleepy." He sneezed. "Feel like crap too...might vomit."

"Poor thing," Jungkook uttered. "You should get some sleep, and if that doesn't help, I'll find you some medication, okay?"

The blonde nodded, and Jungkook lifted him, bridal style off the couch. He walked into the bedroom and tucked him in, grabbing a small bucket in case he threw up. He sat down on the open side of the bed, tempted just to watch his saint fall asleep the entire time. So fricken gorgeous. His heart was beating out of his chest the more he gazed at him.

Jungkook lent out a hand and swept the puffy bangs from his face, touching his forehead with the back of his hands, the heat travelling through his skin.

"Fever." He whispered to himself. He bent forward and placed a sweet kiss on his brow. "Get better soon, my love."

Yoongi groaned before dozing off into a deep sleep. Jungkook watched him peacefully sleeping for half an hour. Hearts filled his eyes, incapable of looking away. An hour passed by, he didn't budge. It took another forty minutes for him to finally stop playing with his hair and sending kisses to his cute dumpling-like cheeks. "He's definitely out by now."

As much as he loved Yoongi, to the point he would rip away a man's sanity. He was disappointed. Jungkook wasn't stupid. In fact, he knew everything. "That's what happens when you break four of the house rules."

He rose from the bed. "And now...we're going to figure out if you've broken our deal."

Jungkook found Mira drinking from her bowl in the kitchen. "Mira sweetheart, come here." He crouched down and patted on his knees. He grabbed something from his pocket.

It was a piece of the leather leash broken off from the cafe. Jungkook trained his pup to run to him whenever she saw him, to guarantee Yoongi's safety. Promising her treats and affection in return since the small thing had grown so attached to him and Yoongi like a newborn to its mother. Mira also had a specific bark pattern and voice that Jungkook was able to recognize. No other dog barked the way she did, paw the way she does, or rip themselves out of leashes the way she was instructed to do. Jungkook would never bring home an animal that brought no value to him. Why would he want anything to take away his baby's love for him?

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