Chapter 10

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It's been five years since he's left the house.

Yoongi was 30. Taehyung was 28. Jungkook should have left prison two years ago.

He hasn't messaged Yoongi or sent him any signs that he was doing alright. The only person that could give him comfort that he was still alive was Jimin. But for some reason, Jungkook had been transferred to see another specialist, and Jimin was unable to notify Yoongi of his condition. As much as it pained him, he put his faith in Jungkook. He convinced himself that he was doing fine and there was nothing to worry about.

In the last year, Taehyung had proposed to Yoongi while taking him out on vacation. They were on a fancy cruise, fine dining, swimming in the warm beaches, and going to the most romantic places. Taehyung had been such a tease the way he would hold Yoongi by the waist and trail kisses down his neck. He's never looked so happy in his life.

Taehyung had also left his old job and became something bigger. He also became the owner of his mother's bakery. But, since Yoongi had developed a strong passion for baking, he gave ownership to him. Even though he doesn't do post-service anymore, he still delivers letters to those that need a little light in their life.

Ms. Kim had passed away. Yoongi cried the most, but Taehyung was completely broken. One of the most important people in his life was taken from him. But he believed that she was in a better place now, and that's all that mattered. Yoongi remembered what she said, that she'd be there watching over them on their wedding day. Maybe his parents were watching them too. He hoped they were proud.

Now today was his wedding day. His face was still so youthful. It was like he hasn't aged. Ara was helping him get dressed in the most elegant white suit he's ever seen and did his makeup the way he imagined it in his head. Yoongi looked like a prince.

Mira and Yeontan were in the same room, full-grown and bouncing around like the crazy pups they were years back. The dogs haven't changed, still hyper and full of life.

Yeontan pawed at Yoongi, wanting to play, which made him giggle. "No, Tannie, not now, baby. After."

The dog whimpered, and Yoongi lifted him on his lap, giving him sweet comfort and kisses. "You probably miss your daddy, don't you?" Yoongi pressed another kiss on his forehead. "I do too, hun."

Mira pawed at the other side of Yoongi's seat, and he lifted her up beside Yeontan. "You two are getting so big."

They both attacked his face in licks, making him lose his balance. "A-Aish! I just got my makeup done!" Yoongi whined, he nearly fell off the chair, but Ara caught him.

"Thank you, Ara." He sat back upright.

"Yoongi-yah, you don't want to hurt yourself before we start the ceremony."

"I know, I know. Sorry." He put the two fluffballs back down on their feet.

"The makeup's waterproof. Nothing has come off."

"That's good to hear. I can't believe today's the big day. I can't even believe it's happening." His cheeks heated a deep red. He felt like a furnace instead of a human. "I don't even know if I brave enough to face him."

She leaned, pressing her chin against his shoulder. "You'll be fine, Yoongi-yah. I'm sure he's just a nervous as you are. You look very gorgeous."

A smile grazed across his face while he admired himself in the mirror. "You think so?"

"I know so." She kissed his temple and clicked a necklace around his neck. Ms. Kim had given it to him, and he's treasured it ever since.

"Do you think you're ready?" She asked.

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