Chapter 8

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🔞Sexual Content🔞

The area was different. The atmosphere was much more warm and welcoming. Yoongi felt too comfortable to leave the bed.

It had been a few months since the incident. Jungkook was sent to prison for three years. Due to his honesty, trauma and mental health, the judges decided to lighten his sentence. Yoongi and Taehyung had made it very clear that they had forgiven him in court, pitching in what they knew.

Three people were found dead at their old place, including 27-year old Lee Duri. But those were men who have murdered far more than Jungkook ever had. The reward for turning them in was a fortune, enough to make them wealthy. Yoongi pondered why Jungkook wouldn't contact the police from the start. Their backyard was dug up, the house was trashed. Things weren't the same anymore.

Jungkook was legally bound to seek a psychiatrist while in prison and when he was released. Failure to comply could send him back a few more years, depending on his actions and self-control.

The youngest wasn't alone. Both Yoongi and Taehyung went to seek therapy. Yoongi for the trauma he endured when he watched his family get murdered, get ran over, fell into a coma. For the intense claustrophobia and paranoia he felt from being forced into a small enclosed space. Taehyung didn't have it as bad as Yoongi. Still, it would be a lie if he said he never suffered any kind of intense trauma from being kidnapped and tied up for days inside a dim room.

Yoongi moved in with Taehyung and worked with his mother in the bakery. It's been a long time since he's got a job, and it was a huge struggle trying to keep up with Ms. Kim. He was exhausted and lanky by the lack of movement, nearly tumbling over from nausea. The sun would easily burn his skin in the summer. He was constantly sick from the lack of exposure, but Taehyung took good care of him.

Taehyung couldn't close his room door. Yoongi would panic being in a locked room. He had to teach him how to use messages and access media, telling him nothing would happen to him. As tough as he forced himself to be, he couldn't change back in a matter of months.

During that time, Yoongi was beginning to know more about himself and who he was. The photobook he found at his old place helped him bring back lost memories. His family, he lost them. Jungkook killed the people who took them away from him, but Yoongi wasn't upset. In fact, he was grateful.

Taehyung was sitting next to him on the bed. His parents were out for their anniversary.

"Yoongi, how are you feeling?" He whispered, trickling a finger through his hair. He went back to black. The love for blonde faded away.

"I-I don't know..." He sighed and glanced down at the book. "I'm worried about Jungkook. I-I don't know if they're accepting visitors at the moment...Is it bad that I want to see him?"

Taehyung bit his lip, not knowing how to answer his question. Jungkook turned himself in. It blew his mind that he had decided to call the police himself, but what he did to Yoongi...was awful. Of course, Taehyung had a grudge against him for straining him, nearly killing him. Still, before everything changed, Jungkook had taken care of him. He wasn't a psychopath. He was wrong. Taehyung would've either starved or freeze to death if he was.

But Jungkook showed symptoms of:


Extreme Delusions

Extreme Paranoia

Severe Depression

Rapid change of emotions

And had a heightened sense of smell.

Those were the ones he's noted down. He wasn't a doctor, but he was very observative. After being trapped, his analysis was all that he had to keep him safe.

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