Chapter 35: Things To Do

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Meredith laid against Derek. She loved the way their sweaty bodies felt against one another. It made her feel comfortable. She felt safe. In his arms, she felt like no one could hurt her. She never wanted to leave. But she had to. She had to go back to her room. She stirred slightly and looked up at him.

"Tomorrow I have some things to do." Meredith told him with a smile. "I need some shoes. And I have an appointment."

"Okay. Shoe shopping. How fun." He said with a chuckle as he rubbed her arm.

"Oh, you know you want to. Besides, I need some new boots. If that bitch Mia saw me in my boots from last season I would be the laughing stock." Meredith grumbled.

"I hope you are kidding. If you are not kidding-" Derek said as he shook his head.

"I am not kidding. Eh... Never mind. Mock me, I can handle it. Anyhow, shoe shopping." Meredith told him as she looked up.

"Mmm... Good. It doesn't matter. As long as I am with you." He said as he kissed her shoulder softly. "I love my spoiled Mer."

"I am not spoiled!" She said quickly as she looked at him. "Privileged maybe. Okay, most likely." She told him with a smile.

"I don't want to go back to my room. I miss this." Meredith sad as she pushed her body closer to his. "I miss sleeping next to you."

"I do too. Even your snoring. And hogging the covers." Derek told her with a chuckle.

"I get cold!" She told him as she patted him softly. "Okay. Fine. Obviously you want me to go." Meredith grumbled as she moved slightly.

"Oh honey, I think you know better than that." Derek said as he rolled his eyes. "We could have a little more fun..." He said as he ran his hand between her thighs. She was finally getting comfortable with him. Instead of tensing up, she moaned and basked in his touch. Meredith closed her eyes as he rubbed her feminine mound gently.

"We've had fun two times tonight. We could go for three, but then your balls would be sore. And I would not be able to walk. And we wouldn't wake up early to go shoe shopping." Meredith said with a giggle as she pulled away and climbed out of the bed.

"Oh yes. The shoe shopping. Again, I cannot wait." He said with a smile as he watched her pulled her pajamas on. It wasn't the sexy ones. They were a baby tee and matching pants. No more did she wear the tiny baby-doll nighties. Meredith smiled at him and went to walk off. "Where do you think you are going?" Derek asked as he jumped up and pulled her back onto the bed with him.

"What?" She asked with a giggle as she gazed into his eyes that were just inches from hers.

"You didn't say goodnight." He told her as he ran his hand over her cheek and kissed her softly.

"Mmm... Goodnight." She said with a smile as she kissed him back. "And I do need to go to sleep." She pouted as she pulled herself out from under him. "Run in the morning?"

"Of course, you don't think I would miss a treeathon, do you?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Of course not!" Meredith told him with a smile.

Meredith slowly crept across the room. She wished that there was a special super secret door from his room to hers. There was not. Luckily Sofia went home at night and Tony's bedroom was at the far end of the residence. Not to mention the house was like a fort and nearly sound proof. And Tony was such and idiot, she and Derek could be grinding in the hallway, and he wouldn't notice. Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration. He would notice. Because it was sex.

As she laid down in her bed, she felt completely satisfied, besides the fact that Derek was missing. He had a way of filling the never ending void she had. He made her feel complete. He satisfied her sexual appetite. He eased her mind. He made her feel loved. He made her happier than she could ever imagine.

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