Chapter 138: Outed

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Derek stood on the balcony looking at the sea of people at the doors. He had no idea any of this was going on. Late in the night he was awoken from his deep sleep, needed for an emergency case. He went from the operating room, to the on-call room, and back to the operating room, seemingly like he was busy forever. He never knew, and somehow, no one told him.

They were there for his wife. Somehow the world knew that not only was Meredith Grey alive, but she was in Seattle. Specifically, Seattle Grace Hospital. Derek had been calling Meredith in a state of panic for what seemed to be longer than it was. She was not answering, and he didn't want her to come to Seattle Grace and meet up with the mayhem he was seeing.

Derek felt angry. He could now see why people acted so irrationally. He wanted to go out and hurt every person that was snapping shots and encroaching on his life. Maybe people didn't know it was his life, but it was. He couldn't imagine how these people knew. As important as it was for Thatcher to keep his visit to Seattle strictly confidential, Derek was positive that Thatcher had not leaked anything.

"What the hell?" Richard said as he rushed by and slammed to a stop. "What is that?" He asked, seeing the people. As fast as news spread at Seattle Grace, they were both shocked that they hadn't heard about this before seeing it for themselves.

"I- I don't know." Derek finally settled on. "It's- They know." Derek added with a sigh. "About Meredith. They know that she is alive, and here." Derek said, almost angrily. "How the fuck?" Derek shook his head and walked away. "This is my wife! This is my life!"

"Derek, I'll do something. Theses people have to get out of here. Just wait until the Chief of Staff finds out. Patients can't even get in the doors. This is never going to work, something has to be done." Richard agreed. There was no way that they could have this kind of chaos around when people were trying to get healthy. "I'm just not sure where to start." He said as he stood there, doing nothing.

"Webber!" Richard heard someone whom he knew too well yelling behind him. "What have you done?" He said quickly. Richard turned around, seeing his Chief. He didn't even say anything to Derek as he rushed to his boss, wondering what was going to come of this.

"I'm not sure what is going on..." Richard stammered, a trait that was very unlike him. Then again, this situation didn't happen often.

"I'll tell you exactly what is going on! All hell is breaking loose. You have a dead person as a resident. Not only is this person not dead, but she's a goddamn celebrity! How the hell could you not know this!" He shouted as he looked down, security posted at the door, trying to keep out reporters. At the moment the cutthroat paparazzi weren't out there ready to attack. He knew they were coming, they always did for things like this. "I should have your job for a mistake like this." He muttered as he stared off, not hearing is phone.

"Sir- Your phone..." Richard said with a nod towards the phone chiming on the waist of his pants. There his phone hung from a cheap leather belt.

Richard watched as he Chief walked away, taking his call. He could hear the man's quick and sharp voice. He had no idea what was being said, but he had to assume it had something to do with the situation, as he could see the man's hands waving wildly as he spoke, his voice raising his notes, filled with anger.

Richard knew he was in trouble. His body tightened and his throat choked up. Sure he had made a decent living, but he wasn't ready to retire. The nursing home that Ellis was in was not cheap. He was amazed at how quickly the money turned to dust when she was there. He needed his job, for the money, and his sanity. He began to sweat, feeling the beads press against his collar, that was growing too tight. He was soaking his dress shirt, feeling all of his fear, leaking out, only being replaced by more fear.

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