Chapter 87: A Friend

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Meredith looked up in shock. No one ever talked to her. They never came up and started a conversation with her. It was like Meredith Grey didn't exist. When she first came, they said she was getting special attention. They said her father as paying everyone off. And then they realized that that wasn't true. Then she was the smart girl, and no one wanted anything to do with her after that. Either way, she was screwed.

"Uh... Um... Okay." Meredith muttered as she looked up at the boy. He had blonde hair and light blue eyes. She recognized him from her organic chemistry class.

"I'm Andre." He said with a smile as he shook out his hand. Meredith looked down at his hand and quickly stuck out her own.

"Meredith." She said with a smile as she shook his hand firmly. Her father always said he hated a man that shook his hand like a fish. She was a woman, maybe she should do it daintily. Nonetheless, she shook it with a firm grasp.

"Yeah... I kind of already know who you are." He said with a chuckle as he looked at her hand. "But it's nice to meet you."

"You too." Meredith agreed as she sat there and looked into his eyes.

"I need to study... And you looked... Alone." He told her as he looked into her bright green eyes.

"Yeah, I need to study too. These exams are going to kill me." She pointed out with a frown.

It felt great to have someone to talk to. She felt so ostracized at Parma. No one knew she existed. She was the most talked about person in all of Italy, but amongst them, she was invisible. Everyone loved Derek. He never told her that, but she had seen how they talked to him and gathered around him like he was a star. It hurt her feelings, but she would never tell him the truth.

"So... Would you like a soda or something?" He asked her as he looked at the machines and then back at her.

"No... I'll get it. What would you like?" Meredith asked as she stood up.

"I'll have a cola." He said with a smile. "Don't you have people? To do those things for you..."

"No." Meredith said frankly. "I have people that help and protect me. But I do not have slaves." Meredith told him with a frown. "That is a nasty rumor..." Meredith said with a sigh. That was just one more thing that people believed about her. Meredith crossed the room in her Prada heels, ignoring the looks from everyone. Tony watched her from the table.

"She isn't like they say..." Tony said frankly as he looked up at Andre. "She is a nice girl."

"Yeah?" Andre asked, unsure of what else to say.

"She's a good friend. If you are loyal to her, she would die for you. People don't give her a chance. It's easy to hate her for who she is." Tony explained as he looked up at Meredith, who was walking back towards them.

"Here you go." Meredith said as she handed him a soda and sat down with her own water.

"Grazie." He replied with a smile as he accepted the soda and opened the can. "So... What are you planning to do... I mean in the future. What are you majoring in?"

"Well, I am majoring in Biochemistry, then I am going on to Medical school." Meredith explained as she took a sip of her water.

"Whoa... Seriously?" He asked in shock as he looked at her. "I mean, not to say that you can't... I mean, you are smart enough. But you are- You're Meredith Grey. If you want to be a doctor... How will you be?"

Meredith looked at him and frowned. It was like he asked her the most off the wall question. But at the same time, she knew that it was true. His question was an honest one. It was going to be hard, if not impossible to function in a hospital, as Meredith Grey. Meredith felt a sickness in her stomach as she considered how things could go.

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