Chapter 46: Cashew Catapult

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Matt stood there in a state of semi-shock. Never had he imagined that the secret guy was Derek. But looking at them in an embrace, it was more than obvious. He couldn't believe he hadn't noticed. Meredith was playing with fire. And he was in shock that she would be that stupid.

"Matt! It's- It's not what it looks like!" Meredith said quickly. "We were..."

"Joking. Funny, right? It was a joke." Derek told him quickly.

"Yes, a joke. Did we get you?" Meredith asked as she backed away from Derek.

"You know... I couldn't quite figure it out. You wouldn't date, but you weren't in a relationship. And you were always uptight. You acted like you were being watched. At first I thought you were in love with a married man. I have to be honest, this scenario never crossed my mind. Makes sense. He was always around. And I was stepping in his territory. Wow, Meredith... I never would have imagined. Not that Derek- Derek there is nothing wrong with you. But you have to know that you are playing with fire here..." Matt said with a chuckle as he walked up.

"No. No, you have it all wrong. It was a joke." Meredith told him again quickly.

"Meredith. I feel like a fool. Chasing you all over the world. The funny thing is, hindsight is 50/50 and you were never even close to available. I don't know how I missed it. Looking at you two, the sparks are flying." Matt said with a sigh.

"No..." Meredith said in almost a whimper. "You... We... You can't say anything!" She growled. "If you say anything, I will cut your balls off. I will cut your balls off and feed them to my dog." Meredith growled.

"Your dog? Honey, you don't have a dog." Matt said with a laugh. He couldn't take her seriously. She was just too cute.

"I might... Get one." She stated firmly. "And after I cut your balls off, I'm going to put you in cement. Maybe make a statue out of you." She said with a big nod. "Do you want to be a statue?"

"So you are saying that my body is good enough that you want to put me on display?" He asked with a grin.

"Ah! You- I'll do it." Meredith told him as she got in his face.

"Hmm... I don't have any doubts about that." He agreed, looking into her eyes.

"You are being very stupid." Meredith warned him.

"Mer... Derek... Look, I like you Mer. I did from the first second I saw you. And I- I'm not going to say anything. Why would I? I like you... And if you like Derek, I can respect that. If they found out, you'd both be eaten alive." Matt pointed out. "And that is why this could work out perfectly."

"What?" Derek asked with skepticism. "What could work out?"

"Well, I look at it this way... I won't step on your territory. That's not my style. And Mer, don't give me that look." He said as he looked at her. "No one owns you, I know that. My point is, you have claimed her. She seems happy. I don't go taking women. I don't cheat, and I don't steal. So you don't need to worry about that. But I need you as much as you need me." He explained.

"Why would you need us?" Meredith asked as she pointed to them.

"Well, as you know, your father has been out to get my company. And I can't lose it. I just can't. We worked too hard to have it taken away. And the way I look at it, if I am with you, he won't take it. I'm not saying we have t be together. This isn't blackmail. I wouldn't rat you out if you don't agree. But if everyone thought we were together, no one would think you were. I keep my company. You keep your relationship secret. I live in Australia, so it will be long distance. It will be easy to pretend. Everyone wins." He explained with a smile.

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