Lives on the Line

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A/N: Thank you to the same three who keep reading this story. I want you to know I appreciate your interest and support.

Also, I don't own MHA. Who knew?

"Scatter and kill us, huh?" Todoroki scoffed. "You all seem more like guys wasting your quirks than you do murders." The entire group of the water-based villains had been frozen in place when the giant body of water had turned to ice. Todoroki had then created a ramp with his ice that he, Hagakure, and Mineta slid down.

"Are you actually a kid? This power is nothing a child should be able to handle," one of the unfortunate victims asked. The bichrome teen approached one of the villains and crouched in front of him.

"You probably understand the situation you're in. Your cells will die of frostbite, or you might go into hibernation if you're capable of such. Either way, there's nothing you can do right now." The villain began shaking not just because of the coldness enveloping everything from his neck down.

"What makes you think you can kill All Might?" Todoroki demanded as he placed a single finger on the villain's forehead. More ice began to slowly spread, narrowly missing his eyes.

"Ahhh!" a terrified Kaminari screamed as he avoided a strike from a large enemy. "I swear I just saw the River Styx!" he declared as he regrouped with Jiro and Momo. Both of the girls had armed themselves with weapons Momo created after spotting the villains.

"Seriously, what's going on?" he shouted. The three had their backs to a rockface and were facing several armed opponents.

"Worry about that later. Just focus on getting away from all of these people for now." Jiro responded.

"Well give me something to use!" Kaminari requested.

"Just use your lightening!" Jiro shouted back, eyeing the wall of foes in front of them.

"I can't release a large burst or I'll take you two out as well! The best I can do is cover myself! You two are the best bet until I manage to get some sort of signal!" the yellow haired teen retorted.

"Well think outside the box," Jiro said with a kick. Her classmate fell into the larger villain that attacked him earlier and electrocuted him on contact.

"Oh, I can do something," he realized. More opponents tried to attack him, only succeeding in shocking themselves.

With renewed vigor, the three struck down each foe with assistance from each other. Jiro used her speaker boots to deafen enemies so Momo or Kaminari could take them out.

"You should look into something to help you control your attacks," Jiro suggested to her classmate.

Momo rushed towards her side and ejected a large blanket from her back. "Kaminari, it's insulated!" she shouted before ducking underneath the shield.

"Sweet." He let a massive shock build up, which he released all at once. The voltage created a shockwave that knocked out anyone on the receiving end and brought down the entire crowd in one fell swoop.

The two classmates looked from under the sheet, observing the field.

"Okay, we should probably find the others," Momo suggested. Jiro, on the other hand, was doing anything not to look at her friend.

"Your clothes... they sort of..." she mumbled, trying to find a good way to put the current situation into words.

"I can make a new set," she offered. Suddenly, Jiro was in front of her.

"Kaminari, look away!" Only, looking wasn't on his mind. Jiro heard some kind of babbling, and noticed her friend was stumbling around with a goofy look.

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