Rebuilding the Trust

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Something was wrong. Iida wasn't making any moves to defend himself whatsoever. Izuku skidded to a halt in front of his classmate.

"Iida?" The green-haired teen snapped his fingers in front of the expressionless helmet twice, receiving a startled swing at his hand.

"Calm down, it's just me." Izuku gave a wave that people give when trying to deescalate a situation, which actually seemed to work.

"Sorry. I don't know what came over me."

He had a feeling things were going to happen between him and Iida, but this was a bit beyond what he had expected.

In his distracted state, he didn't notice Ojiro come up from behind until he was tagged.

"Darn it," the teen muttered. "You feeling better?" he asked his friend with a tap to his tracker.

"Yes, I'm fine."

"If you insist." Midoriya quickly ran off to the recovery station, passing a few teammates and radioing others.

The game went smoothly after that; he didn't even run into Bakugo.

"Attention students! The last five minutes will be a sudden death! From here on out, if you get tagged, you're out for the rest of the game!" All Might announced over the speaker system.

Renewed vigor filled each and every competitor, until the only ones left standing were Izuku and Kaminari on team B and Hagakure and Bakugo on team A.

"I'll take Bakugo. You got Hagakure?"

"Sure thing man," the electric teen replied.

"Like I'll let you tag me, Deku," Katsuki sneered.

The two ran towards each other and let loose. Izuku's speed and agility were just as blinding as Bakugo's explosions that he used to redirect his trajectory. Izuku was on the offensive, using his ferocity to force his classmate to keep retreating without a chance to counter.

Kaminari and Hagakure had their own battle nearby, but nowhere near as intense as their teammates. A quick struggle resulted in Hagakure using her invisibility to sneak around Kaminari and grab his shoulder.

Nearby, a chain swung through the air with devastating speed. Bakugo took a few strikes, most of which would leave bruises or red marks. He hardly noticed the pain, solely focused on not being beaten again.

A loud buzzer rang through the grounds, cutting off the fight before a winner could be determined. "Time is up! The score is seventy-two points for team A and seventy points for team B!"

"Looks like you lucked out, Deku."

"I could say the same about you."

Both classmates and their teams returned to the entrance of Ground Gamma, where All Might was already waiting for them.

"You all did very well today. There is not much to discuss, so I'll let you all change and return to the classroom before doing so."

After a short trip back to the main campus, the guys and girls split ways to change.

"Hey, Midoriya, look at this," Mineta whispered.

Just next to his locker, a poster on the wall had been peeled back to reveal a hole carved into the wall.

"Don't even think about it Mineta. Getting caught peeping is more than enough to warrant strict punishment," Iida advised from a short distance away.

"Sometimes you have to take a risk!" Mineta retorted. He put his eye right into the hole and began muttering nonsense about what he was going to see.

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