Under Attack

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"Ah yeah! We finally get to do something fun! This is going to be awesome!" Mina cheered once they were ready for the "test of courage". Kirishima, Sero, Sato, and Kaminari also began cheering, which was interrupted by their teacher.

"Unfortunately, you five will have to attend your extra class. So move along," Aizawa interrupted, receiving five very disappointed complaints from the 1-A students. Even after they should have left hearing distance, their woes were audible through the forest.

"Well, now that that's out of the way, let's get down to business," Mandalay started. "The B class will be the first scarers. Every three minutes, a pair of A class students will be sent out. You must find your names in Ragdoll's basket halfway through the course and bring them back. Lastly, direct contact with the 'scarees' is forbidden, so you have to use your quirks and brains to make the scariest route you can."

"Which ever class makes the most of the other students run away or wet themselves wins!" Tiger added, only getting grimaces from the students.

"Alright! Draw for pairs!"

Besides Mineta and Bakugo, everyone was rather pleased with their partners. Except Izuku, who was the lucky one to go alone.

"Just my luck," he whispered to himself, relieved that there wasn't anyone to slow him down. Tokoyami and Shoji went in first, followed by Todoroki and Bakugo, then Hagakure and Jiro.

Everything changed when a powerful burning smell came from the air just after Uraraka and Tsu entered the forest.

"What the?" Pixie-Bob asked aloud with a few sniffs.

"Look over there!" Ojiro shouted while pointing at a plume of thick black smoke.

"There's a fire. But there hasn't been anything that could start one, and we've been more than careful enough to prevent our cooking fires from blowing burning residue into the woods!" Iida called out.

"No, that's too big and too sudden to be natural. There's someone in there causing it. Todoroki and Bakugo are smarter than that, and even if they had an accident, Todoroki could just freeze it over. And none of the 1-B students have any fire related quirks, if I remember the joint training correctly. That only leaves one possibility."

To finally cement Izuku's theory, two figures emerged from the woods. One was well built and carried a large metal beam, and the other resembled a humanoid gecko with a mask like Stain's covering his eyes.

"What's going on?" Mineta cried when the two obvious villains emerged from the trees.

"Is this not a fine evening, UA students? Allow me to introduce us. I am Spinner, and this is Magne. We are part of the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains!"

"The League of Villains again?" Iida questioned as Magne dropped Pixie-Bob and rested the metal beam on her head.

"I'm thinking about flattening her head. What do you think Spinner? Should I? Huh? Should I?"

"You bastard! If you ruin her chances of getting married and finding happiness, I'll make sure you live long enough to regret it," Tiger seethed while flexing the claws through his gloves.

"Hold on, both of you," Spinner said while stepping between the two in a negotiator's pose. "First off, we need to determine if holding the power over life and death follows Stain's ideals. Then, we can determine whether or not we should kill her."

"So, these are some of the riff-raff brought about by Stain's ideology?" Ojiro shouted at the two followed by a quick glance at Izuku.

"No, it isn't." Izuku walked towards the two villains, shaking off Mandalay's attempts to stop him.

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