Saved by the Bell

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A/N: I own about as much of MHA as the next guy. Here's another chapter, get reading.

"There's not much time, we better hurry," Tomura complained. "Nomu, Kurogiri. Kill him. I'll deal with the little brats."

With incomprehensible speed All Might and Nomu dashed at each other, their fists meeting in the middle. Winds blew with the strength of a hurricane and the ground beneath them cracked like glass.

"Didn't you already get the memo about Nomu's shock absorption?" Tomura asked as he gracefully landed on the ground.

"Yes," All Might replied. Then the two titans sent strikes flying faster than anyone could see.

"I can't get close enough," Kurogiri grunted as he struggled to not get blown away by the resulting gales.

"You said it has shock absorption, not nullification. That being said, it has to have a maximum capacity, correct?"

Despite the Nomu's incredible strength and speed, All Might managed to begin pushing it back even as they continued fighting.

"If I can't beat you at one-hundred percent, I'll just have to go further than that."

"Impossible, he's fighting at more than one-hundred percent," Todoroki muttered in astonishment. A well-aimed strike sent the Nomu flying, and Tomura's eyes angrily stared at the sudden development. All the work his master had put into the Nomu and All Might still found a way to push ahead.

The two disappeared into the forested zone, where the only signs of battle was the flying rubble and debris. Sounds of tremendous impacts continued to rock through the USJ.

Both of them broke above the tree line, where All Might grabbed the Nomu and threw it back to the ground, once more creating a powerful impact.

"Whoever or whatever you are, I'm sure you know this phrase." His fist reeled back and flew forward with extraordinary power.

"Go beyond! Plus ultra!"

If anyone had a clear view of the fight, they would have seen the Nomu's body glow yellow for half a moment as the shock absorption reached its limit. Nomu was sent flying and crashed through the high ceiling of the USJ, sending tremors that were felt for miles. The creature kept flying through the air, not stopping until the only sign of it was a blip in the sky.

In that moment, all were silent. For a moment, no one spoke until celebrations came from wherever there were students.

"Yeah All Might!" several students cheered.

Loud shouts of "Yay" and "Woo-hoo" rang through the building.

The dust that had been sent into the air started to clear, and the Symbol of Peace stood proudly, but worse for wear. "I remember when I could have done that in just five hits, but this time it took over three hundred."

He turned to Tomura, who hadn't moved during the entire battle, yet was angrily shaking.

"As for you two, I'm sure we would like to finish this as soon as possible."

One of Tomura's hands reached for his neck and dug in deep enough to leave red marks. "Did he use a cheat? Or was master wrong? There's no way he's weaker than before."

Earlier, in the Mountain Zone

The three had been caught completely off guard. One of the villains had been hiding in the ground the entire time, so he was still standing after Kaminari's unleashed attack. While the two had been discussing plans as Denki meandered around, the villain had snuck up and grabbed the short-circuited teen.

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