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A/N: Nope, no rights to MHA in my wallet. Let's get this party rolling, eh?

"Bakugo and Todoroki are...losing?" Midoriya whispered, barely willing to trust what he just heard.

"Yes. It might be the same villain that cost me my hand," Shoji whispered.

Izuku let out a thoughtful hum. "I have an idea. Can you run?"

"What're you planning?"

"Like I said earlier, Bakugo and Todoroki can produce enough light to nullify Dark Shadow. But if they're losing, maybe we should let Dark Shadow do the heavy work for us. All we need to do is make sure he doesn't catch us before we get there. If you're up to it, you can extend some tentacles and make noises to keep his attacks away from us."

"It might work. But are you really able to run in your condition?" The six-armed teen took another look at his classmate, who looked like he should be in a hospital bed, if not a full body cast.

"I'm game if you are. Just show me the way."

Shoji pointed down the path Izuku had been dragged off of. The two gave each other an affirmative nod and scrambled from beneath their over and made a break in the direction that would lead to Todoroki and Bakugo.

Almost immediately, a series of earthshaking tremors advanced towards them, each one scarily closer than the previous.

As suggested, Shoji used his extendable arms to create mouths away from his main body and let out various screams and shouts. There wasn't time or reason to actually say anything. There was only time to run.

As they closed the distance, a large glacier shot up higher than the trees and shattered seconds later. Several glints in the moonlight caught Shoji's and Midoriya's attention as well.

"Todoroki! Bakugo! Get out of the way!"

Both teens turned on their heels and froze at the sight of the rampaging Dark Shadow right on their classmates' heels. Without a second to lose, they jumped in different directions as a large claw shot forward.

When the dust cleared, a large trench as thick as they were tall was left where the pathway once was.

"No... you can't take them from me," a man groaned.

"That's him," Shoji whispered as Dark Shadow turned to the source. The speaker was a man in a prison-grade straightjacket that covered everything except his eyes and mouth.

Speaking of his mouth, as he spoke, his teeth morphed into and from silver swords.

"You!" the pitch-black creature growled before attacking.

"They're mine! Mine! Mine! You can't take these beautiful slices of meat away from me!" The man shot half a dozen sword teeth from his mouth, all of which were caught and ripped out.

"Shut up," Dark Shadow grumbled before grabbing and ripping out more swords. The villain didn't even have time to beg for mercy before he was slammed into the ground and smashed by the gigantic claw. time and time again until he stopped moving.

Four teenagers stood in the wake of pure destruction, only holding their breath when Dark Shadow looked their way.

"!" Tokoyami begged from within the large entity. "I-I can't...control him!"

"Now! Make some light!" Midoriya shouted. Both Todoroki and Bakugo acted immediately, sending controlled fire bursts and explosions at the creature until it shrunk to a size smaller than Tokoyami.

"Thank you. All of you. And I'm sorry. I let my rage overwhelm me and lost control. Who knows how many could have gotten hurt because of me. Or worse."

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