A Second Purpose

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"Final match, begin!"

The moment the words left All Might's mouth, Dark Shadow grabbed Midoriya and flew him up to the top of the nearest building.

"Thanks," the teen gave with a thumbs up, which the shadowy spirit returned before flying back down to his host.

"Good job. Let's get moving," Tokoyami said, and started to run.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Monoma demanded, despite running to avoid getting left behind.

"Kendo, you're sure Tetsutetsu and Tsuburaba are going to try to make the first move?"

"Almost certain. Both of them are pretty straightforward, especially Tetsutetsu. But still, we should be prepared for them to change tactics."

Meanwhile, Izuku was surveilling as many rooftops as possible. Shoji needed a position that offered unobstructed input, and the tops of the buildings were his best guess. The end of the roof came up, and he leapt into the air without hesitation and fell three stories before landing on the next roof. With a quick tuck and roll, he was back up and running at high speeds.

Down at the observation area, Vlad watched almost in awe at the display Aizawa's student was putting on.

"See Vlad, that's what training and hard work can really achieve. He's been training to be a hero without a quirk since before he came to UA. He's probably pushed his body far beyond anything we've put our students through."

Izuku's arm rose and a cord shot from below his palm, and suddenly he left the ground as the cable pulled him through the air and up to the top of another building.

"You know, there are rumors spreading through the school, and I'm pretty certain they're about him," the teacher stated.

"And what of them? Whether or not they are true, he earned his spot in UA fair and square."

"Look Shouta, I know you have a soft spot for your students; we all do. But the fact of the matter is if these rumors are proven true, his life at UA will become a living hell. I get that he's a good kid, but I just don't know how I feel about having Stain's former student here at UA."

"This coming from the man who uses his own blood as a weapon," the teacher retorted before scribbling a few notes. Vlad just snorted and returned his attention to the exercise on the screens.

"Dark Shadow, go check in with Midoriya."

"On it!" The dark bird flew above the rooftops and zoomed away. It took a quick scan, but the spirit found its target and closed in.

"Midoriya, Fumikage is requesting an update."

"I haven't found anything yet, but if I do, I'll drop some smoke pellets. How're you guys doing?"

"We are fine. No problems, aside from Monoma."

"Figured. Are Tokoyami and the others far from here?"

Dark Shadow shook his head in a "no" gesture.

"Good. You can head back now. And keep your eyes on the windows. There's more than enough places to hide in this place."

Dark Shadow dove and disappeared from Izuku's sight. Truthfully, he had caught a glimpse of Shoji in a nearby alleyway, but telling Dark Shadow would have opened the door for eavesdroppers.

Luckily, he had carved a message into the surface he was standing on and passed the information on to Dark Shadow.

"What'd he say?" Kendo asked when the bird returned.

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