Ending the Festival

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"That was some intense skill Midoriya displayed."

"Did you hear the rumors? Apparently, he's quirkless."

"No way. Not after that."

"Todoroki is exceptional, and Midoriya isn't half bad either."

"Can he really be a pro hero with that kind of attitude?"

Naturally, the two 1-A students had become the talk of the stadium. Cementoss had to once again repair the stage, and Izuku had to be taken to Recovery Girl's office to receive treatment.

"I don't get it. Why would Midoriya go so far to get Todoroki to use his fire?" Mineta asked Shoji.

"My guess is he didn't want Todoroki to exert himself too much with one power, like you using too many orbs at one time or Kaminari using too many volts over a short period."

"I guess that makes sense, but I still don't get why he wouldn't take advantage of the situation," Tsuyu added. No one could say they had an understanding of what happened, only that what happened was amazing.

"It's about time you opened your eyes." Todoroki, who had been traversing the halls, looked up to his father not too far down the hall.

"Accept yourself. You are everything I am, but better. I can teach you to be the strongest there is," Endeavor offered.

"I haven't accepted anything from you. You really think that the years and years of everything you did and caused can just go away with one fight?"

The teen stepped around his father and stopped when they were side by side.

"He's scarier than you. I can't explain why; he just is. But more importantly, he's more respectable than you. And for a minute, my respect for him overpowered by loathing for you."

Endeavor watched as Shoto left him behind to find something.

Meanwhile, Izuku had finally been delivered to Recovery Girl's temporary office and received the first session of treatment. For everything he had just gone through, all he had to boast was the scar on his cheek and a healed over wound to the back of his head.

"You were either very lucky or have an unusually high durability. In most cases the blow to your head would have resulted in a worrying concussion, but your luck and my quirk were enough to alleviate it at least this once. Still, I would recommend you get some rest if you truly intend to take part in the next round."

"I think I'll take you up on that offer. Is there any way you could wake me up when the second to last match before the semifinals begins? I'd like some time to make sure I'm awake and ready to go," the teen requested. Recovery Girl's quirk had taken up a lot of the energy he had left after the fight, and a nap was sounding really good.

He felt his eyelids droop to the sounds of the next match beginning.

"Wake up. Hey, wake up!" a voice firmly said. Izuku slowly gained enough consciousness to ask himself where he was before the memory of what happened came to him.

"The Semifinals have begun. Aizawa and a few of your friends stopped by while you were out, including Todoroki. I had your teacher tell the organizers to put your semifinal match last, so you should have gotten more rest and still have enough time to get ready," the short woman stated with a handful of gummies.

Izuku swung his feet over the bed and stood up. He didn't feel great, but he felt better than he had expected. A few stretches got him limbered up and he made to leave for the upcoming matches.

"Thank you for your help," he offered before leaving. As he walked down the hall he took the gummies one at a time to make them last longer. Apparently, hunger was a possible side effect along with tiredness.

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