Once upon a time, in a world that existed within the heavens and Earth, there lived a kingdom called Pixaclaire, a magical land inhabited and ruled by fairies. There were many realms spread throughout the magical plains, but Pixaclaire was most desirable for fairies all over. They believed it to be the most magical and powerful, for it was the most civilized of their kind.
It was a beautiful utopia.
The sun shined forever, brightening the streets of the city that glittered in gold, and the greenery of the forests glistened under the sun's rays. The kingdom flourished with fairies of every kind that contributed to the success of their empire. They took pride in Pixaclaire and held the utmost respect for their leaders.
Pixaclaire reigned under a king and queen and was adored by everyone in the city. On the day the queen gave birth to her son, heir of the throne, they celebrated him with loads of gifts and blessings. He grew up well and was admired by everyone in the land. There was no doubt he would be a model king like his father when the time came.
Like any royalty, there were rules for one to be named sovereign over the land, and the young prince was no exception. One day, his father beckoned him to his side for a conversation about his future. "Son, the time will soon come for me to step away and announce you, my son, the heir of my throne, to take my place."
Though excited to hear this, the young fairy prince also held fear in his heart. "I understand, father. You have been preparing me for this ever since I was a boy."
The King smiled. "Yes, son, and now that you are a man, you must take the ultimate step to begin your reign as the new King of Pixaclaire."
The prince gulped, for his fear of taking the throne was about to be voiced by his father. A fear that haunted him ever since he began his preparations for his future, though he's never spoken of this. A fear that would determine his fate as a ruler and to continue this royal line. "What is that, father?" He asked, mannered in meekness.
The father smiled at him as he placed his hand on his shoulder. "To find a wife."
The prince's eyes widened with a slight smile painted against his lips. His heart raced with worry, and the gleam in the King's gaze didn't make it easy. The fear of knowing that he will be responsible for the next generation of his royal linage was a tremendous pressure that he wasn't sure he could relieve. "Father," the prince began, "is having a Queen dire to my inheritance of the throne?"
The King chortled. "Of course, son. The Queen plays a vital role in your reign. You can't produce an heir all on your own."
"Right." Seokjin nodded.
The King's head tilted slightly, "son, does this worry you?"
"Just a bit, father. I don't want to disappoint you or the kingdom. I want to be a wonderful king."
The King stood and hovered over his son. "You will be a great King with a beautiful wife by your side. Sanya has been a part of our family for years and has aided us in finding the perfect suitors for us. She will do the same for you." The King patted his son on the shoulder and left him to his thoughts.
Fancies | BTS
FanfictionWelcome to Fancies! Here you will find: -Storyline -Oneshots & Scenarios -Short Works -Member x Reader -Member x OC Hope you enjoy! (UNEDITED) *I do not own any of the photos, gifs or video used in this book*