His Winter | KSJ

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*Oneshot/Scenario (Written in 2018) Unedited
*Synopsis: An escape to solitude is what he seeks in order to claw his way out of the trenches of heartbreak while learning that it's something that cannot be done alone.

A fire crackled through the whistling wood as the heat of it slowly absorbed into the small cottage

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A fire crackled through the whistling wood as the heat of it slowly absorbed into the small cottage. The singing embers created a soothing aura around Seokjin as he attempted to cuddle comfortably on his armchair. Despite the coziness and even being layered under a few blankets, the act of this was far from what he wanted it to be.

Seokjin huffed as he watched the blaze before him. The reflection glowed in his glistening mahogany eyes before closing them-hoping to achieve some sort of serenity. His eyebrows knitted as he battled to keep his mind at ease. He occasionally allowed deep breaths to elude his slightly parted lips while his chest rose and fell slowly. His eyes fluttered with every exhale as he silently prayed for them to close.

The continuous crackling of the firewood caused his facial features to twitch, but the surrounding sounds were settling around him. His body finally melted into the armchair comfortably. He's achieving relaxation...or so he thought.

His brows furrowed deeper as his thoughts traveled his mind, dodging him from anything other than peace, but it soon began to take him to a place that was far from pleasant. He fiercely gripped the blankets over him as he tossed his head to the side.

"Seokjin, we are just in different places now. Things have changed." Her even-toned voice echoed throughout the room as she lifted her coat onto her shoulders. She fluffed her hair from inside it, allowing it to sway down her back.

"No, if anything has changed, it's you." Seokjin shuffled the bed covers over him as he sat up. His eyes rolled to her direction.

"So be it, but this is over." She turned away-exiting the room, not even concerned about her parting words to him. Her heels clicked down the steps like a clock ticking to the next second. Seokjin could hear her footing slowing as she reached the door. She opened softly but closed it with a hard thud.

Seokjin's eyes popped open as he gritted his teeth in frustration. He snatched the blankets away from him before he jolted out from the armchair.

He paced the wooded floor, huffing and grunting on each turn. He eventually stopped and turned towards the kitchen. Sighing heavily, he ran his fingers through his hair, removing the sweat-soaked tendrils from his forehead. He walked over to the fridge, snatching it open to find nothing but a half-gallon of milk and a carton of eggs.

He lowered his head in disappointment before gazing to the counter that held many empty beer bottles.

Of course.

Seokjin slammed the door of the fridge and walked into the bedroom. He pulled his coat down from the closet and threw it on. He slipped on his boots and headed back into the living room to grab his hat and keys from the counter, leaving to find anything that will numb this vicious cycle of pain.

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