Part 43

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Billie's pov:

Billie: can i see you please?

Mia: i dunno sorry

Billie: what do you mean mia? i just wanna see you and talk to you please

Mia: sorry

Billie: why can't you meet? what's wrong what's happening?

Mia: nothing. everything is okay

Billie: you know I don't believe u

Mia: how do I make you believe me

Billie: agree to see me

Mia: Billie I told u I don't know if I can

Billie: why? like you have anything to do mia.. just tell me why, give me the truth

I know exactly why but she doesn't want to tell me for some reason. Why is she hiding it from me? She left me on read.

Billie: Mia I'm done with all this I don't know why u don't wanna tell me but I'm coming to ur place

Mia: Billie not rn I cant

Billie: what r u doing

Mia: I'm cleaning the house bc its a mess

Billie: that's it?

Mia: uh yeah

Billie: idc I'm coming anyway

Mia: billie no

Billie: too late 

Mia: Billie no

Mia: u cant come




I just left her on read. Why is she like this? I don't care at this point. I drive to her place and order a quesadilla on the way there. I just wanna talk to her and I want her to tell me what's wrong. I finally arrive there and park my car.

Billie: open the door for me pls

I take a step back and look up to her window and saw her looking at me. I just smiled and showed her the quesadilla i got her. She just walked away from the window. I ring once and wait for her to open it. The door opens after a while and I see her mom standing there.

"Hi" i say following with a small smile

"What do you want?" uh okay rude.

"Uh I came to see Mia-"

"Mom?" Mia calls from upstairs

"Mia come downstairs" she tells her

She walks downstairs and looks at me. I look at her with confusion and look back at her mom.

"Who is this? She's here for the second time now and she keeps saying she wants to see you" her mom looks at her

"Uh I don't know" Mia answers

When I wake up I see, you with me /b.eWhere stories live. Discover now