Part 1: Chapter 10

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BTW this chapter to me feels like it's really short and its unedited so it probably really sucks so yeah. I'm sorrey.

Chapter 10;

"You're joking right?" I ask.

"I'm not." Hayes says in a serious tone and shakes his head.

My heart just dropped to that second. Everything around me slowed down at an abnormal speed. Hayes just stood there glaring at his hands laced in his lap.

My mouth went dry and I couldn't speak any words from my mouth. We just sat there in silence and I was pushing myself to say something, but nothing came out.

"That's what I wanted to tell you." He says quietly and stands up from my bed.

"Wait." I choke. I cough a few times and I rub the tears forming in my eyes.

"Yes?" He asks and turns around.

"Where are you moving?" I ask.

"I'm moving to my dads house. He's 3 hours away and I'm gonna go to Davidson day."

"Why?" I ask.

"My dad wanted to bond with me again and he wanted to personally train me for football." He replied automatically but in a monotone voice. Hayes didn't seem to be enjoying the news that was brought to him either.

"Oh." Was the only thing I was able to say.

"Yeah." He nods. "That's one reason why I'm not mad at you. I wanted to hang out with you as much as I can before I can move." He says and walks back over to my bed. "C'mere." Hayes says as I felt a drip of water slide down my cheek.

Hayes embraced me into a tight hug and rubs my back gently and lightly squeezed me with his arms. I felt my stomach form knots and twists and I bit my lip to prevent me from smiling. I close my eyes and bury my face into his chest. He felt soft and warm, and just so cuddly. He smelt absolutely, and insanely good too. Without a doubt, his hugs are officially the best hugs.

Hayes pulled away and he furrows his eyebrows in a cute way. "You're all red like a cherry."

"Oh." I say and I cover my face with my hair.

Hayes pushes my hands off of my face and brushes the hairs out of my eyes. "Don't do that, I think you look kinda cute actually."

This made my face feel even hotter and I covered my face up with my hair and I bury my face in my hands after.

"How's you and Amanda?" I ask.

"I'm losing feeling for her." Hayes replies and shrugs.

It's only been a week since they've gone out together. And I have never before seen them even 20 feet together. It looked like one of those relationships where they were to embarrassed to show in public.

I actually wanted to laugh out loud, but I couldn't. It would be rude and make Hayes a little mad but I'm just not gonna risk it even if I do find it funny.

"And you two have been going out for how long?" I ask and flip my hair past my shoulders to keep it from falling in my eyes.

"Like barely a week." Hayes laughs.

"Oh." I say and laugh a little.

"I think you were right. Amanda can be kind of rude. I'm really sorry Jess." Hayes says in a sincere voice.

"No, it's alright." I smile.

Hayes looks at me in the eyes and wiggles his eyebrows. "So you and Tyler huh?"

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