Chapter 8 - Well thats one Problem Solved

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Jake POV: "Well do you still have no ideas what we're gonna do?" I asked the short, bright pink haired girl.

"I don't know, just black mail her again! Shouldn't it be easy to find dirt on her??"

I sighed while laughing a bit, then continued the conversation, "Milly, I don't stalk her, just because I knew she was cheating didn't mean I know everything wrong she's ever done."

"Well what are we gonna do?! If you can't do anything I'm gonna have to kick the living s-"

I quickly interrupt her, "Milly, you know you can't attack her anymore. You could get suspended, y'know. We have to find something else to stop her."

"I know that, Jake! I'm not dumb."

"First of all, yes you are. You're literally failing like half of your classes," a high pitched voice said, causing me and Milly quickly turned our heads to face the person talking. "Second of all, Lia convinced me not to tell anyone about your crush. She said it'd be useless, and you aren't wrong. It would not be hard to find something to blackmail me with, so there's no point. By the way, I still hate you, cow."

Zoey walks away laughing a bit while Milly is just standing beside me, her jaw wide open.

"Well, that was sure a change of events," I laugh.

"Yea, sure was,"

Me and Milly continued to walk through the halls, until out of the corner of my eye I spotted him. Again. The boy I used to like.

I hear his voice, he sounded surprisingly calm, "Hey, Jakey."

"LEAVE HIM THE HECK ALONE BEFORE I BREAK ONE OF YOUR SKULLS!!" Milly quickly jumps into the conversation.

"Calm down, none of us want a fight.. I just want to talk to Jake," the magenta haired boy replies, still somehow calm.

I stare at him shocked, and eventually my eyes look at his face instead. Right through his brown eyes and instead of the darkness, I see the light. All the times he cared for me. All the times he was kind, and was just doing shit to protect me. All the times..

when I loved him.

Haha- Istg I'm not taking another 2 month break again lol. I already have started planning 3 more fanfics so be sure to look out for those! Hopefully the story will be better lmao-

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