Chapter 7 - Drama and Confessions

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Jake POV: I heard my annoying alarm go off, I swear in my dream I had heard it go off a million times. I blinked slowly, trying to wake myself up until I finally had the energy to grab my phone. I quickly realized it actually almost had 100 notifications. I doubted my account on something had blown up (I mean I already had like 500 followers, which I know I deserved more), probably just some tea was going around. I quickly grabbed it and realized Stacy had posted something and people from our school had been sharing it throughout the night, until I realized..

Stacy had post a picture of Zoey and Lia kissing.

Drew POV: I entered the school building, everyone was staring whispering at me. I mean of course they were, my girl friend had just been exposed for likeing girls AND cheating on me. I wasn't surprised about either of those, so people must've been a bit confused when I acted like it was any other day. Quite a few people came up to try and comfort me, or inform me of the situation, and it was just getting on my nerves until I broke.

"I NEVER LIKED ZOEY! I've liked someone else, ever since I first saw them actually.. Now can you please all SHUT THE HELL UP?!"

The silence that came when I had finished shouted was the loudest thing I've ever heard. Everyone's eyes were on me, and I knew this would last until I started dating again. I couldn't wait for this crap of a day to be over.

I walked out of the English classroom, one foot in front of another. The day would be over soon, I kept repeating that in my head; until I stumbled into someone, quickly regaining my counciousness.

"Watch where the fuck you're goi-" I shot without looking at them. Until I realized they had caught me and were literally holding me, and that the 'they', was Jake.

"You're lucky a handsome guy like me caught you, now bye," Jake flirted, quickly changing into a more tense voice as he set me down onto my feet.

"Bye, singing freak," I whispered to him, but quiet enough so no one else could hear.

My mind quickly went back to the fact he had talked to me at all, and I quickly ran off afraid I was blushing.

"Drew what the heck happened while Jake bumped into you at English?? You were blushing like hell-" Liam said, but I quickly cut him off.

"Shut up, it was just embarrassing, ok?" I interrupted.

"Well someone's cranky!" Henry laughed back.

I started eating faster then before, the day would be over soon.

"Oh c'mon dude, we're just joking!

"Yeah, I know," I said, sighing.

"But do you really like Jake?~"

I hesitated for a moment, what use would it be to deny?

"Don't tell anyone, but yeah. I do."

They looked at me like I had just told them I had- well- Like I had told them I liked Jake..?? It was an expression that only fit this particular moment.


"Listen, you guys don't want people to know you call eachother 'baby'? Or that maybe you're d-"

"How did you know about that?!" Liam whisper shouted at me.

"I have my ways," I replied, smirking.

"Ok, don't say it out loud though, we didn't tell you for a reason," Liam replied, "also weren't you the one who-"

"Listen, we'll talk about it later, now shut up,"

"Ok, ok, sooo when you gonna-"

"I said talk later!" I interrupted, practically knowing Henry was gonna ask me when I was asking Jake out.

They both laughed a bit and we continued eating.

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