Chapter 8

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I turned away immediately. Seeing Nate kissing another girl was kind of painful, but I couldn't figure out why. I met him for the first time today to how can I like him? Maybe it was because it was the first time any guy has shown any interest in me, even if Nate was just trying to be friendly.

"Katie?" Cat asked as she saw me turn around quickly. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing" I replied quickly. "Can we go in to the kitchen please?" 

Cat nodded and I grabbed her hand as we walked through the labirinth of people dancing around us. We walked in to the kitch where it was less crowded but more awkward as were were surrounded by couples 'having fun'. I grabbed the large bottle of coke on the table and poured me and Cat a glass full. Cat mixed some vodka in to hers but I decided to stay sober. I had seen what effects alcohol could have on a person and I certainly did not want that that to happen to me.

Cat and I stood in the kitchen for a while talking. She pointed out certain people at the party, such as a girl named courtney who hated her because she was jealous, and a guy called Jake who she used to date and the guy called Shaun who was Nate's best friend and also the school's most popular guy. 

"Hey! Katie!" I heard a familiar voice call from behind me. I turned around to find Nate walking towards me with a huge grin spread across his face. That girl must have been a really good kisser.

"Oh..hi" I replied blankly.

"When did you get here?" He asked putting his arm around my shoulder. I looked around for Cat but she was flirting with some random guy in the kitchen. 

"About half an hour ago"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Nate asked looking offended.

"You were a little..busy" I replied initialling over to the girl who was now making out with someone else.

"Oh.." Nate blushed. "She's a bit of a slag"

"So you kissed her?" I asked. I don't know why I was asking this, why I even cared.

"She kissed me. I kissed back for a second but then I pulled away" Nate said quickly defending himself.

I smiled slight, glad to know he wasn't some sort of man-whore like his best friend. I took a sip of my coke and laughed a little to break the tense moment between us.

"Do you want some vodka with that?" Nate asked winking at me. I never realised how good looking he was. His hair was always casually swept over his forehead and his light brown eyes that were both mysterious and cute. He was the kind of guy I had always dreamt about. 

"No thanks, I don't drink" I said, keeping my cool not wanting to reveal too much about my past. I didn't want to scare him off.

Nate just shugged and poured about half of the bottle of vodka in to his glass and drank it straight. I just stared at him wide eyed, in shock about how he could drink that stuff. I was even repulsed by the smell. 

"So Katie, do you wanna dance?" Nate asked me.

I thought for a while but I nodded anyway. He took my hand and led me to the dance floor and a song started playing that I didn't recognise but Nate put his hands on my waits and I put my hands around his neck. He smelt like alcohol and I felt sick, not only because of the smell but also because of the feelings I was having in this moment. It was nice, loving, something I had never felt before.

"Hey Nate," I heard someone slur from behind me. "Someone puked on the floor in your bedroom"

"Oh shit" Nate exclaimed. "I'm sorry" Nate ran off before the song even ended leaving me alone. I walked over to the kitchen to find Cat still talking to the same guy, so I decided to walk over to them.

"Hey Cat" I said.

"Oh hey Katie!" She exclaimed when she saw me, she was pretty tipsy and the guy was claerly loving it. "This is.." She trailed off making him finish the sentence.

"I'm danny" He said smiling at me and Cat. 

"I'm Katie" I introduced myself. We got into a conversation about school and they told me about the maths teacher and how she was really fat and strict, and apparently gave detentions if people didn't do the homework. 

"So where do you live?" I asked casually while Cat poured herself another drink.

"I live in the council flats, it's a tiny little place and I hate it. But I have no where else to go."

I looked at him with sympathy and I felt like I could relate, in a weird way. Because I knew what my mum had to go through, while she was pregnant. 

Jenny's POV 

"Name?" Said the short fat guy behind the desk in the council office.

"Jennifer Mayfair" I said changing my surname.

"Occupation?" He asked blankly.

"Well.. nothing right now..but once I find a place to stay.." I trailed off. He looked at me as of he wans't impressed. He looked at my stomach. I was now 8 months pregnant and I had been living in a tiny little flat but I couldn't stay there anymore. The flat was on the top floor after 3 flights of stairs and I had to get a bus to get to my work place. Well ex workplace because I had been fired, because I was always late to work.

"So how can I help you Mrs Mayfair?" The guy asked.

"It's miss, and I need a new place to stay." I demanded. I had realised over the past couple of months that this was the only tone you could use with these guys. 

"Why? what is wrong with this place?"

"Well, the celing is leaking and there is no hot water and also as you can see I am 8 months pregnant and I cannot climb so many stairs." I said in a matter-of-fact tone.

The guy sighed heavily and turned to his computer. "Well I have one flat available, it's on the ground floor and it's on Milton street" 

I smiled to my self. That was perfect, it was right outside the bus station so I wouldn't need to talk as much. 

"However" He continued "It's in very bad condition, the wall paper is peeling and the celing is damp and drips a lot."

I thought about this for a while but I accepted, nothing could be as bad as the place I was living in now so I closed the deal. I got up and the man told me to come back in a week to collect the keys so I had a week to pack. I signed the papers, shook hands with him and I left to go and pack my stuff.


After collecting the keys I rode in the taxi to my new place. I put the key in the hole and turned it clockwise, opening the door and walking in to inhale a foul smell, like dirty cloth and rotten eggs. I scrunched my nose up and walked into the appartment dragging my bag with me. I dropped it on the couch and walked in to the kitchen, there was hardly a kitchen, just a sink and a dirty gas cooker, the dining table was half broken and there was only one chair. I went to the bedroom and saw the bed had no matress and there was just a lamp. It looked like a prison cell.

I sat down on the couch with holes in it to relax for a little while. I was tired and my legs were killing me. I got up and bent over after a while to start unpacking some of the boxes in the corner which had some plates and other kitchen items. when suddenly my back gave in to me and I yelled out in pain. My stomach was bursting with pain so I decided to sit down.

I took deep breaths and I felt something burst inside me, kind of like a baloon filled with water. and my child kicked in my stomach and tears ran down my cheeks in excruciating pain. I screamed for someone, anyone to help me but no one cared. I felt like I was going to die and my head my spinning my crazy.

I held my stomach and cried as the pain got worse and I felt like I was going to explode, the room was spinning faster and faster until suddenly, everything went dark.

End of chapter 8

Hoped you guys liked it, sorry there wasn't much about Katie and Jeff, or Katie and Nate but I'm getting in to that, I promise!

Anyway leave any suggestions about what you thought in the comment box and don't forget to vote. PLEASEE! 

Follow me on twitter if you want to ask anything   :) Sonali_x

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