Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

My first day of school wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I met some amazing people and Cat and I were practically best friends. I found out that the pregnant girl had no boyfriend because he left her the night she had sex with him. It was similar to what Jeff had done to my mum but different.

The last bell went, indicating that school was over and we could go home. I walked out of school to find Nate standing there with a bunch of guys I didn't recognise. He looked at me and smiled and I smiled back but I looked down and walked away. I didn't want to get too close to people, because the closer I got to people the more it hurt when they left me. 

Cat had badminton practice after school so I had to make my own way home, even though I had no idea where I was going and I was pretty sure I was going to get lost. 

"Katie!" I heard a male voice from behind me yell. I turned around to find Nate jogging towards me, looking incredibly handsome.

"Nate" I said after I realised who it was. He was walking beside me.

"You going home?" Nate asked. Then he hit himself of the head as if he asked a stupid question. "Yeah of course you are its the end of the day. Sorry"

I laughed "It's okay, and yeah I'm on my way home and I'm going to get lost"

Nate laughed too "Where are you off to?"

"Berkline Gardens" 

"Oh, I'm going the same way, wanna walk?"

I nodded and we turned the corner and started walking. 

"So how was your first day?" Nate asked.

"Pretty good thanks. How was your day?" I replied ever so smoothly. 

"Awesome actually.." Nate continued talking about some guy in school who had broken his leg and the skin had ripped revealing his bone to the world. Gruesome. 

We arrived at my house and me and nate stood opposite eachother saying goodbye. He held my hand and squeezed it a little.

"Are you going to come to my party?" Nate asked.

I hesitated again.

"Try and come. You will make the night much better for me" Nate said.

I nodded at him, unable to speak, this was my first realy encounter with a guy this good looking and I was beginning to feel faint. He said bye and walked off in the same direction that we came. I called after him.

"Nate! Why are you going back?"

"I need to get back to school, I have basketball practice" He called

"So why did you come all the way here?" I called back

Nate shrugged and walk away and a smile automatically spread across my face, I was actually beginning to consider going to his party. 

I walked upstairs to the flat and got out my key. I could hear some arguing from the house next door and then a girl ran out crying. My mum's story came back into my mind.

Jenny's POV. 

My head was spinning when I woke up in the morning, The sickness had stopped, Thank god but now I felt anxious and I just wanted to sleep all day. My mum was beginning to think something was up but I still hadn't told her. Not until I find out where Jeff is, and how he could just leave me like that.

I decided to go and find out the truth about Jeff. I found his house and I rang the doorbell. There was no lock on the door and I could still see furniture inside as I waited for someone to come to the door. Moments later a middle aged woman came to the door.

"Can I help you?" She asked in a posh voice that sounded a lot like my mother.

"Um.. Yes I'm looking for Jeffrey." I said, Clearing my throat.

"Who are you?"

I cleared my throat again "I'm..his..Friend"

"Oh" She said, not sounding convinced. "Jeffrey has moved to New York to live with his grandmother. He insisted upon it."

A lump formed in my throat and tears welled up in my eyes. I began to walk away not wanting her to see me crying. She called after me but she had no name to call. I ran away as fast as I could. How could Jeffrey just leave like that? He didn't mention anything the last time we spoke? And the lady even told me that he insisted on moving away. Could he have known that I was pregnant? There was no way. I didn't even know so how could he?

I shook my head clear of my thoughts. I had decided that I had to tell my parents today so I could ask them what I could do.

I nervously made my way home and I walked into the kitchen. I stood there for a while but my knees were shaking so much they gave in on me so I  had to sit down.

"Mother, Father" I began. "Could you please sit down for a moment, we need to talk"

My parents looked at each other before sitting down at the table. "What is it sweetheart?" My father said.

I cleared my throat. "um..Well..Do you remember the night I didn't come home the whole night?"

"How could we forget?!" My mother exclaimed.

"Well that night I began to fall for a boy. Called Jeffrey.." I began "And now.."

"A boy? You went to that boy's party?!" My mother said standing up now.

"Mother please" I said looking serious. She sat down again. "So as I was saying..I'm..I'm..Pregnant."

Everything was silent  for a while. My parents weren't looking at eachother, they kept their gaze on my face. Tears began to well up in my eyes as I prepared to face my fate.

"Katie.." My mother began. Her voice was shaking and I had never heard or seen her so upset. My heart sank. "Where is the boy?"

I feared this moment. "He's gone.."

Then the erruption came from my father.


"Father please..It's not his fault." I said, Tears rolling down my cheeks.

"IT'S YOUR FAULT TOO!" My father said.

"We are VERY disappointed with you Katie! How could you be so irresponsible! I thought we brought you up better than this?! how do you expect us to show our faces in the community when you are carrying that MISTAKE in your womb!"

"MOTHER! You didn't bring me up! You ruined my life! All my life I haven't been able to live in my own way! YOU have always stopped me from doing what I want! YOU ARE THE WORST PARENTS IN THE WORLD! " I didn't know what I was saying anymore. I would have never had the courage to say this before but somehow another person had taken over and she needed to come out.

"KATIE HOW DARE  YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT?" My mother yelled at me.

"I WILL MOTHER! I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL BE A MUCH BETTER MOTHER THAN YOU HAVE EVER BEEN!" My voice was shaking but I meant every word. I was determined to be a better mother and to raise this child, It was a symbol of the love between me and Jeff.

"You won't have a chance to do that" My father said.

"What?" I said rudely, almost spitting my words.

"We are going to get you an abortion."

End of chapter 6!

Thank you guys for reading! You need to comment and vote for this story because that is the only way I will actually carry on writing this. =) 

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AND if any of you want to make book covers or banners for this story please don't hesitate to message them to me! I need a new cover! =D 

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment!! 

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