Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Jenny's POV

After work Kevin and I took a seat at the bar on the bar stools. We both let out a sigh on relief at the end of our shift at the same time. 

"Tired?" Kevin asked. I didn't want to seem weak so I just shrugged. He let out a small chuckle. "I am!" 

I laughed after looking at his face, he was so down to earth and there was no need for me to pretend around him. I had learnt a lot about him in the few hours of our shift. He loved the colour blue, he was an art student and he worked as a salesman aswell, he also had a cat. 

"What are you thinking?" He asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing, just that its getting late, I need to get home" I said.

"Stay for a while!" He insisted. "Why do you need to get home?" 

"I have something to do" I said, trying to be vague but I knew he wouldn't let it go that easily. 

"Like?" He asked, being nosy. 

"Look, it's something I can't tell you" I said, being as blunt as I could. 

"Why not?" He asked. 

I shrugged "You will never look at me the same" 

"Try me." 

I hesitated but I figured that he would need to know if we were going to be working together anyway. I drew in a deep breath. "I have a 4 year old daughter." 

He stayed silent for a while with a blank expression on his face as if he didn't hear me. I stayed quiet for a while waiting for his response and when he finaly spoke I let out a sigh of relief. 

"That must be tiring!" He said with a laugh. I smiled at him, not expecting that response. 

"So you don't want to run away?" I asked nervously.

"No, I want to buy you a drink" 

"I don't drink" I said honestly, after the night with Jeff I vowed to never drink again. All alcohol done was make people make irresponsible decisions and hurt people. 

"One drink" Kevin said "Please?" He pleaded looking at me with puppy dog eyes. I eventually gave in thinking, one drink couldn't hurt right? Kevin made me a vodka and coke and he got a beer out for himself. I took a sip and it tasted vile and my face scrunched up into a disgusted expression. 

"You didn't like it?" Kevin asked. I shook my head. "Just gulp it down in one go, it feels good after" 

I nodded and tried this teachnique. I closed my eyes tight and swallowed the entire glass and I felt like I was going to puke there and then, a burning sensation in my throat begant o form and then I felt relaxed, Kevin was right, it did feel good but I became determined to feel even better. I grabbed myself a beer from the fridge and guled it down in one go aswell. 

Kevin and I laughed about anything and everything until I had tried at least 4 different types of beer and 3 combinations of drinks and by this point I felt completely wasted and light headed. 

"Are you okay?" Kevin asked me while laughing. 

"I'm fine" I managed to say.

"Okay lets get you home" Kevin said to me. I obeyed him and got up but I stumbbled but got myself up again. I had a serious look on my face when I turned to Kevin.

"Did the police come?" I asked quietly.

"No" He replied. 

I put my finger on my nose "Sh.. don't tell them I'm here!" I said. I sat back down again because I was laughing. Kevin tried to pull me up but I stayed seated.

"No no no!" I exclaimed. "I don't want to go!" 

"You have to! you have a daughter!" Kevin said laughing. 

"Oh yeah! I forgot!" I laughed. I hadn't laughed this much in my entire life and this felt great. I would love to feel like this all the time. 

I got up and walked out of the door with Kevin while glancing at the clock one last time. 



End of Chapter 13..

I was going to add more but I've decided to leave all of that for the next chapter which is going to be VERY long and ACTION PACKED! :D 

Sorry for the shortness..Love you all :)

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