Chapter 15

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Hello guys :) I know I haven't uploaded in a while but I have been pretty busy, I love this story a lot and I do plant to write a lot more but I'm going to warn you guys now before you read any further..the rest of this story is going to be pretty serious and kind of sad aswell, so if your not looking for something like that then i'm sorry, but give this a chance..Anyway! Here is Chapter 15. 

Chapter 15

Jenny's POV

Mrs Burns died last night. After I walked into the house Katie ran into my arms and sobbed loudly, I still had alcohol in my system so I was unable to move for a while, I felt sick, confused, worried, scared and hurt for my little girl. 

"Mummy Mrs Burns won't get up!" She exclaimed. I put my arms around her and walked over to Mrs Burns, she wasn't breathing so I called an ambulance immediately while trying my best to control myself in my drunk state and to control the bawling 5 year old in my arms. She kept calling Mrs Burns, hoping she would respond and I was secretly hoping that she would too. 

The ambulance came and kept on asking me questions, I had no answers apart from 'I was working' and 'She is only 5!' The ambulance man seemed to give up on me after realising that I was pretty tipsy. They carried Mrs Burns away on a strecher and allowed me and Katie to go with them.

We arrived at the hospital and we had to wait outside, the nurse gave me some bread and milk to help me sober up so I could take care of Katie who was still sobbing in her sleep, she was on my lap breathing slowly but hicupping every so often as she sobbed. 

After a few hours they came and told us the news. I burst into tears there and then and I felt like everything around me had shattered. Things were going so well and Mrs Burns was like a mother to me and a grandmother for Katie. I had no idea how I was going to break the news to Katie. I cried for a long time, letting it all out, crying out of hurt, sorrow and also guilt. I felt guilty for the thoughts going through my head which just happened to be:

Who was going to take care of Katie while I was at the pub? 

I instantly felt selfish after thinking it but it was true, Now that Mrs burns was gone did that mean I couldn't go to the pub and have a drink? I couldn't see Kevin? This would ruin my life. 

Katie woke up and walked up to me. "Is Mrs Burns okay mummy?" She asked me, her big brown eyes looking at me with innocence, but all I could see was selfishness. I felt anger towards her. If it wasn't for her, I would have a life. I wouldn't have to worry about being home early. I wouldn't have to think about spending money on her toys. I wouldn't have half the problems I have now. 

"No. She's dead" I said coldly. Her big eyes began to water and she burst into tears, making loud noises causing my head to throb. I couldn't take it anymore. 

"Shut up!" I yelled, she became silent instantly but she was still sobbing. I felt bad, but I felt in control. I liked that feeling. 

2 weeks later

It was 9:00pm and I was all alone, Katie was here but that didn't really count. I had 5 beers already and I felt a lot more alive. I watched TV for a while while having my 6th beer, I was able to drink it like water now, but this was a lot more satisfying. I had a little burning sensation in my throat every time I gluped it down and it felt great, but then I heard a little annoying voice. 

"Mummy I'm hungry! What's for dinner?" Katie asked, tugging at my jeans. I groaned loudly and walked over to the kitchen and opened the cupboards. I found a tin of beans, opened them and put a spoon inside. 

"Enjoy" I said, pushing the tin towards her. 

"Beans? I had them yesterday too" She said.

"And?" I said, she was getting so unappreciative, she stayed up untill all hours crying and asking me to tell her a story and when I turned the lights off she would cry louder, annoy the crap out of me. I didn't understand why she couldn't just sit quietly and leave me alone. 

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