Chapter 22 *Questions, No answers*

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Chapter 22

Feeling like total crap, I walked into my room and fell onto the bed before cursing myself 6 times for 2 different reasons. The first was because I hit my toe on the door before I walked in and my toe was now throbbing. The second was because I had my chance with Nate and I lost it because of a stupid reason, because I couldn't let my past go and I let it affect my future and my present. 

I wasn't surpised to be honest, I saw this coming. The flirting, the laughing and everything between Nate and Cat screamed chemistry. It just hurt because I still had this hope that Nate still liked me and that he really did think I was beautiful. 

I ran my finger through my hair as I wondered how I could deal with this. Would I tell Cat? What if she liked him too? I knew she thought he was funny and cute but she wouldn't do that to me would she? What would I tell Nate? Would he want me to set them up? 

With a yell of frustration I got up and began pacing my room. 

"Katie?" I heard my dad's deep familiar voice say followed by the slamming of a door and footsteps. I looked up to find my dad standing at my doorway with a concerned look on his face. He must have heard my groan. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah" I replied.

He didn't look convinced. He walked in and sat next to me. "Boy troubles?"

My eyes widened. How would he possibly know that? I nodded in response.

"Wanna talk about it?" He offered.

I drew in a deep breath. "I liked this guy, but we decided to stay friends and now hes moved on and I feel like an idiot for letting go."

Dad drew in a deep breath. "Well, I'm new to the parenting thing but I believe that if you love someone, let them go and if they come back they were meant to be yours."

"Is that what you thought when you left my pregnant mum?" I said involutarily.

"I didn't know she was pregnant" Dad said.

"Why did you leave her dad?" I asked, my eyes stung with tears.

"I didn't have a choice"

"Everyone has a choice"

"Not everyone" My dad said before getting up and leaving the room. I didn't know what to do. I had so many questions.

I had a tonne of homework to do so I started to look around the room for some spare paper that I could do my working out on. I needed something to take my mind off this entire situation. I looked in all of the drawers until I found a file under my bed.

It was blue and quite far away. I reached out and grabbed it.


A hospital report? I opened up the file and saw the name at the top and my heart skipped a beat. It was Jeffrey's report. Was I allowed to look at this?

My brain objected but I kept reading. The report was dated 17 years ago. Before I was even born. I kept reading and my heart stopped.





Cancer. Cancer. Cancer. 

Jeffrey had cancer?

Sorry its short..Just a taster of the next chapter :)

Comment and votee xxxx 

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