Chapter 5

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Katie's POV

"Katie?" Said Nate, breaking me out of my thoughts. I shook my head and looked up at him. "Will you come to my party?"

I thought again, but immediately I shook my head "No, sorry my dad doesn't like me going to parties and stuff, it sucks right?" 

"That's too bad. But I'll see you around" Nate said before walking away to join a group of boys I didn't recognize, Nate seemed to be really popular around here because when we were talking girls were glaring at me and if looks could kill I would have been dead a hundred times over. 

"Hey sorry I took so long" Said a voice from behind me, which I recognized to be Cat's. I was right and she came and stood in front of me. "I was stopped in the hall to be hit on by a guy who was at least 2 years younger then me. Do I look like a paedophile?" 

I looked at her and burst in to laughter, she looked serious! She laughed too and we walked in to the classroom. Cat took a seat in the back row and signalled for me to sit next to her. I obediently sat next to her and on the other side there was a blonde girl with bright blue eyes.

"Katie this is Anna, Anna this is Katie, She's new" Said Cat. I looked over at Anna who was smiling at me and I smiled back.

"So where did you used to live?" Asked Anna.

I panicked. There was no way I could tell her the truth about where I was from so I lied. "I used to live up north but I've come to live with my dad." 

Anna brought the story and nodded. The lesson began with our teacher who was a young man wearing a white shirt and red tie and he was extremely good looking. He started talking about poems that they have been learning and I made all of my notes carefully knowing that I have a lot to catch up on. 

The lesson ended and everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"Very funny guys!" Said the teacher "Remember to do the questions on page 60 for homework!" 

Everyone let out a murmured "Yeah yeah" and left the room, including me, Cat and Anna. We compared schedules and found that Cat and I had History and Anna had art so we said bye to her and headed off in the opposite direction.

After making our way through the maze of hallways and teenagers we ended up outside a classroom that looked like the one we were in before, but just slightly larger. We walked inside and Cat made me sit at the back again next to a brunette girl who looked really unhappy. 

The lesson began so we didn't get a chance for introduction and the female teacher began to talk. Her name was Miss Blaik and I was pretty sure she shaved because she had stubble. She started going on about the English civil war. After a 10 minute lecture on King Charles she set us off to do group work, so it was our opportunity for an introduction.

"Um..Katie this Sonia and Sonia this is Katie. I smiled at Sonia who still looked unhappy but she managed to force a smile at me. I smiled back and we got on with the work quietly, no one even attempted to make small talk. I wondered why Sonia was so unhappy. She was a beautiful girl with brown hair and tanned skin and green eyes that stuck out. But her gloomy face brought down the radiance of her eyes.

The lesson ended after a short while and we all stood up to leave and that's when I realised why she was so upset. She got up and revealed a bump on her stomach. She was pregnant.

Jenny's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in an unknown room on a random bed. I lifted the covers off myself and immediately pulled them back on as the cold breeze hit my body. I looked down at myself under the covers. I was naked. 

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