Chapter 18

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Katie..Present day. 

I woke up with beads of sweat on my forehead, breathing frantically as I searched for some water. I managed to find a glass on the bedside table and I gulped it down trying to calm myself down. Everytime I thought about what I done I felt scared, as if I was going to get caught, as if everyone would hate me, as if I would get put into prison even though the police called it an accident because she was drunk she picked the wrong bottle. No one ever suspected her 8 year old daughter. 

I got out of bed after looking at the clock and seeing the time. It was 7 so it was time for me to get ready for school. I groaned at the thought of having to face Nate. He probably thought I was some weird psycho who was scared of people. He hasn't spoken to me since that day at school and I don't think he ever will. Just the thought of that makes me feel angry at myself for being like this. It felt like it was all my fault. 

After having a shower I put on some skinny jeans and a long red top and headed into the kitchen for breakfast. I walked in to find that Jeff wasn't there. All that I saw was a note on the table.

"I had to go to the office early, I brought some cereal. Have a good day x" 

I smiled to myself after reading the note. The first time I got here Jeff had nothing in his house apart from coffee, milk and beer and now he was making the effort to buy cereal and chocolate for me. It felt like he actually cared and that alone made me feel happy inside. 

I got a bowl and put in some cereal and milk and sat down alone to eat. After eating my food I left for school and made it into class with seconds to spare, I had no idea I was walking so slowy until some old ladies passed me and told me to hurry up.

I walked into class to find Cat sitting there holding a newspaper in her hand and looking at it with great interest.

"Hey" I said, walking over and taking a seat next to her. "What you reading?"

"Hey, its just some article about teen drinking. Its awful" She said, sarcasm in her voice. I laughed as I remembered how funny she was drunk, I was definately going to tease her about that in the future.

"How have you been?" She asked me randomly. "I haven't spoken to you all weekend and yesterday I wasn't in"

"I've been good really, how about you?" I asked.

"I've been okay, how are things with  you and Nate?" She asked. I looked over to find him sitting with his friends, not even glancing over to me. He probably hated me, or thought I was a freak.

"I think we are done with that" I said, not bothered to explain the full situation. Cat just nodded at me and class began.

After class I began walking to my next class which was history. We were learning about the English civil war and I hated every moment of it. For me it seemed like every person in history was stupid because they thought everyone loved them but they all really wanted to start a war.

"Katie" I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. My heart skipped a beat as I turned around to see his perfect chocolate brown eyes staring down into mine, making ny knees feel like jelly.

"Nate" I said out of shock. Was he really talking to me?

"Look, I understand that you might have a rough past and I've decided that I'm cool if you don't want to tell me" Nate began as we started walking to history together, we had the same lesson so it made sense. "And I'm also cool with us just being friends, you are really awesome and I would really like to get to know you more"

"So your saying you want to be just friends?" I said, showing more dissapointment in my voice than I should.

"No, best friends?" Nate asked. I couldn't refuse. Being best friends was better than being nothing right?

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