Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Jenny's POV

Katie. My baby. I called her Katie because in greek it translates as 'Pure' and that is what my baby was, she was pure, clean, beautiful and all mine. I took her home yesterday but I use the word 'home' loosly seeing as the place was a mess. The first thing I done when I got home was change the bed sheets to give Katie somewhere clean to sleep. 

After Katie was fast asleep I got started on the cleaning. I put everything in a proper place, moving the lamp to one side and covering the couch with a peice of cloth for the moment. I realised I would need some cleaning supplies and the store was just two doors down. After contemplating for a moment I grabbed my coat and ran out of the house to the store, leaving Katie to sleep.

I picked up as many cleaning supplies as I could, kitchen cleaners, bathroom cleaner, cloth, a brush, some multi-purpose wipes and so on, I also grabbed some milk, bread, eggs, and some water. I went to the checkout and I almost dropped the basket after looking at the que. I stood at the back hoping Katie was okay.

The que was moving pretty fast and after about 10 minutes of waiting I was next in the cue.

"What do you mean its $5?!" The woman in front of me exclaimed shouting at the young girl at the checkout, she looked about 17 and this woman was giving her such a hard time.

"That's what it says on my till" She squeaked.

"That's not what it says on the display shelf! it clearly says $3!" The woman yelled. I frowned.

"Excuse me could you hurry up?" I said without thinking, suddenly feeling bad about being so rude. It came out in a harsher tone than I expected.

"It's not my fault! I refuse to pay $5!" The woman said, now shouting at me.

"Well then leave it, my baby is at home by her self!" I exclaimed. The woman looked taken back, probably by the idea that I had a baby, I knew I looked 17 maybe even younger, which made it worse. The woman gave me a disgusted look and then turned away. She handed the money to the girl behind the counter and moved on, looking at me again. My heart sank. Was this the way people were going to look at me for the rest of my life?

The girl behind the counter quickly checked my item's through and I bagged them really fast. I handed her the cash, not bothering waiting for change. I ran down the road and to my house. I began to pull out my keys when I could hear a small wimpering sound inside. My heart skipped a beat as I quickly unlocked the door and ran inside, The wimpering sound turned into the sound of a cry. I ran to the bedroom to find Katie lying there wide awake and bright red, she must have been crying for ages because the sound she was making when she was crying was now croaky and she was shaking.

2 tears dropped down my cheek as I pulled her close into a hug. I stood up and walked around the house shaking her slightly and after a while she stopped crying and fell asleep again in my arms. I was still crying and I looked at her one more time.

"I promise I will never leave you, ever again" I sobbed. "I promise" 

Katie's POV.

I kept running and I didn't stop until I knew I was away from him. I ran across the road and halfway down I hear the beep of a horn. I turned my head in the direction of the sound and was almost blinded by the bright light. I shut my eyes tight preparing for pain but it never came. Instead I heard a voice.

"Katie! are you okay?" I opened my eyes to find Jeff running towards me looking panicked. 

"I'm fine" I said, I realised I was crying.

"What are you doing in the middle of the road! do you relaise I nearly killed you?!" Jeff said. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm..sorry..I..Just" I sobbed harder, at my stupidity. This wasn't exactly how I wanted to feel after my first kiss. 

"Hey, whats wrong?" Jeff said looking directly at me. I tore my gaze away. I couldn't tell him. I couldn't tell anyone. 

"Nothing, can we go home?" I said. Jeff shifted a little before nodding and leading me to the car. I sat inside and shut the door behind me. Jeff got in too and we both pulled out seatbelts on as Jeff began to drive. The journey was quiet. I could tell Jeff wanted to say something as he would occasionaly open his mouth but he said nothing. This was clearly a new and awkward situation for him. 

"How was your evening?" He said, finally.

"It was fine. yours?" I said flatly.

"Boring, The usual, Sat in front of the TV watching re-runs of two and a half men" He said.

I laughed a little but then it was quiet again. We got home and I went straight to Jeff's room to get my bag to get changed when I saw my stuff wasn't there anymore. 

"" I said "Where is all of my stuff?" 

Jeff grinned. He walked away and gestured for me to follow him, He opened the door t a room I had never been in before, but it was perfect. There was a beg in the middle of the room with two bedside tables, one on either side. There was a lamp on one of the tables and there was a large wadrobe in the corner. It was nothing special but it was a lot more homely than anywhere I had ever lived before. I let a huge smile slip onto my lips.

"Dad..since when has this room been here?" I said walking inside and looking around.

"Since about, 15 minutes ago" Jeff replied. 

"Did you do this all by yourself Je-dad?" I asked, astonished.

"No, a couple of guys from work helped, this used to be my old store room."

"Thank you dad" I said.

"No, thank you, If it wasn't for you moving in I would have never have been able to clean this place out and bring back old memories." Jeff said. 

"Well, I'm glad I could help." I said. I opened the cupboard to find all of my cloths on hangers in order of colour. "Did you do this?!" 

Jeff nodded and walked towards me. "Katie.." He began "I want you to know that I loved your mother and I never wanted to leaver her.."

"I know" I cut him off before he could continue. He smiled and nodded at me. "If you ever need to talk about anything I will be here, even boys! I'm going to be a cool dad" Jeff said trying to look his coolest.

I giggled before sitting down on he bed. He began to walk out but he paused half way. "Katie, look in the second drawer on the right..Good night" He said before leaving the room.

I reached into the drawer and felt a rectangular object. I pulled it out and turned it around to find a purple photo frame with the word memories printed along the bottom in fancy writing. The picture was a photo of Jeff and my mum, looking really young holding my mother's flat stomach. A small tear rolled down my cheek and a small smile spread across my face.

End of Chapter 10.

Sorry it was kind of boring but there will be more on the Katie-Nate story in the next chapter and maybe even a little from Jeff's POV! :)

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