Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Nate" I said as he walked in front of me "Please, hear me out"

"I don't need to be rejected again" Nate said, his back still towards me. 

"I didn't reject you" I said pleadingly 

"So you just ran away because you felt like it?" He asked me with a flat look on his face.

"No.." I said..I opened my mouth to explain but nothing came out. He looked at me and waited for me to say something but when I didn't he fake laughed.

"So that's it?" He said. He began to walk away and I pushed myself to speak.

"That was my first kiss" I blurted out before I could stop myself sounding stupid. He paused and turned around.

"And so you ran away?"

"No, I ran away because I was scared" I said, my eyes glued to the floor, too scared to look up at him. I was scared of his expression, was he looking at me like I was stupid? I heard and felt him walk towards me until I could see his nike trainers. He put his hands on my shoulders. 

"Did you think I would hurt you?" He said..he lifted my chin up so I was looking into his perfect brown eyes. They were filled with care and love, I had seen eyes like that before but they never lasted. I couldn't tell him that. I couldn't tell him that I was scared of losing him, I couldn't tell him that I was scared he would leave, I couldn't tell him my biggest fear.

I couldn't tell him anything. 

Jenny's POV (Katie is now 4 years old) 

I got a new job. It was in a pub across the street and it was a lot more convinient than my old bakery job. The only problem was that it was an evening shift and I wouldn't be home on satuday's until after midnight. But I could always ask Mrs Burns next door to take care of Katie, she was a very nice old lady who lived on her own and Katie loved her. 

After I got the job I came home to tell Katie and Mrs Burns. 

"Hello Mrs Burns, Hello Baby!" I said cheerfully as I picked Katie up and spun around. She chuckled  like crazy. 

"Mummy, I made a drawing!" She said in her cute little baby voice. She held out a scrunched up peice of paper that had a wobbly drawing of two smiley faces, one bigger than the other. "This one is me and this one is you!"

I grinned at her and took the paper. "It's lovely sweetie!" I really did love it, my baby was going to be an artist.

"How was your day Jenny?" Asked Mrs. Burns struggling out of her seat.

"It was great thank you, I got a job!" I exclaimed.

"That's brilliant, Where is it?"

"It's at the pub across the street, the Bluebird" I said.

"Thats a nice place, when do you start?" She asked.

"I start tonight actually, so I was wondering if you could take care of Katie?" I asked hopefully.

"Well.." She hesitated.

"I really need this job Mrs Burns, It pays alot. I will pay you to take care of Katie, Please" I pleaded.

"Jenny, I would never take money from you" She said, she sounded insulted.

"I'll be home as early as possible..I promise" I said.

"Okay, Do try love, Katie needs you right now" She said. I looked down at my daughter who was drawing and humming a song to herself. I sat down near her.

"Katie, mummy's going to be working late on satuday and friday, will you be a good girl for Mrs Burns?"

"Yes mummy" She said obidiently. "where are you working mummy?"

"In a pub" I said, hoping she would understand.

"What's a pub?"

"They sell medicine" I said, trying to keep her away from alcohol.  She had a disgusted look on her face.

"Will you drink medicine mummy?" She asked. I shook my head. She smiled at me and went back to drawing biting her tongue on the side of her mouth in concerntration. 


I arrived at my workplace wearing a white shirt and black trousers ready to work. I was greeted by my manager, george who was wlaking towards me with a giant beer belly that could knock someone out.

"My new waitress!" He said cheerfully.

"Hello George" I said.

"Welcome to the Bluebird, You will be the waitress here working alongside Kevin here" George pointed towards a good looking guy who looked like he was the same age as me with blonde hair and peircing blue eyes. Kevin walked towards up and shot me a flirty smile.

"You must be Jenny, I'm kevin" He said holding his hand out. I took it a shook it. "I'll be training you, even though its not very much" He chuckled.

"She's all yours" George winked at Kevin.

"So, here is the cash register" Kevin said. "Have you used one before?"

I shook my head. "Not really, not as advanced as this one" I said. The pre-historic one that I used at the bakery might as well have been a calculator.

"Well it's really simple" He said. He took my hand and I did feel sparks. "You just touch the drink here, and then put in the payment method and there you go, the register will open"

I nodded, I took in everything he was saying but I was worried I would get confused with orders.

"You won't confuse orders, I will be helping you, don't worry" He said, almost as if he read my mind. Customers walked in and sat on tables and I went over to take my first order.

"Hello, I'm jenny, I'll be your waitress for this evening, What can I get you?" I asked in a polite tone. 

The guy at the table looked up at me after consulting with his two other male friends. "We will take one Peroni beer, two fosters, a hamburger, some chips and the fine waitress standing in front of me" I thre him a sarcastic smile while noting down the orders. 

"Sorry sir, the last item is not interested" I said with a fake smile, all of his friends 'ooh'd' and hit him.

"Playing hard to get?" He asked, while winking.

"Nope, just plain hard to get, I'll be over with your orders" I said before alking away, feeling thier eyes on my ass. 

"Flirts?" Kevin asked.

"I'm used to it" I said, shrugging it off. 

"Jenny, do you have a boyfriend?" Kevin asked randomly. I was taken back but I was truthful

"No" I answered.

"Then, would you like to have a drink with me after work?" Kevin asked. I hesitated, I hadn't been on a date since Jeff and it would be hard, but I needed to move on sometime, and plus I didn't want things to be awkward between me and Kevin for the rest of the time I worked here. 

"I would love to" I said with a smile on my face. 

End of Chapter 12..

Hopefully this is longer this time, what did you guys think? Love it? Hate it? What do you think of Kevin..Comment and let me know..

The next chapter will be in Jenny and Katie's POV from when Katie is you will LOVE it..I'm pretty sure :) 


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