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"So how was your day?" my stepfather asked when we got home.

"Nothing much," I didn't see Mark the whole day, he kept avoiding me at all costs. I think it is much better though.

"Jinni," my stepfather called.

"Yeah?" while munching on my food. It was dinner time when we arrived.

"Your dad called,"

"He wanted to meet you, and he has something to discuss with you,"

"Why didn't call me directly?" not being sulky just it's unusual for my father to call my stepfather himself.

"Uhh you're at school?" 

"Oh right," he laughed and continue eating his dinner.

"You should meet him. It's quite important. So we are going to have a family dinner tomorrow," he beamed.

I nod and the rest of the dinner is 'Mr. Kang talk talk FM'. He just love to talk.

"You're ready?" my mom asked and smiled.

I heard from my stepfather, my father flew back home from Italy. He said my father is going to be here until he finished his work. I am honestly feel nervous and excited at the same time since it's been a while since I last saw my father. Sometimes, it's a pity that my parents' relationship did not last long. Don't get me wrong my new father is a good man as well.

At the restaurant, there are not many people. Only the sound of jazz music can be heard. It was awfully still and quiet. We are being brought to sit at our appointed seat, which is farther from the other customers. My stepfather tell something to the waiter and he went off hurriedly leaving only us three.

Just then another waiter came towards our direction while directing a handsome man behind him.

"Kang Minhyuk!" that man called.

"Myungsoo!" they both shake hands and give each other a hug.

"They know each other?" I whispered to my mom.

"Seems like it," my mother whispered back and she too got surprised.

"Let's eat!" my stepfather beamed.

My father next to me and Mr. Kang. He looked at me and smiled the whole time.

"My daughter is beautiful tonight," he caressed my head gently. It almost make me cry.

"Let's eat," he smiled more.

"So Myungsoo, should we tell her?" my stepfather opened the main topic for the night.

The one that brought us together here. My father wiped his mouth acting as if he just remembered. He looked at me, and it was a long pause before he spoke.


"I have something to tell you," another pause.

"You remember Uncle Cee?" I looked at him confused.

"the one who lived in front of our house, remember your friend Wonnie?"

The name sounds familiar but it doesn't ring the bell. 

"What about them?" my father looked at my stepfather.

"You see,"

"Minhyuk and I are having partnership with Uncle Cee, so we both think that, this partnership will be more, you know, stronger ; we think that we want to marry you with Wonnie. Uncle Cee also agreed, in fact he's glad!" he beamed.

I looked at both of my fathers in disbelief. Did they just make me as their investments? My mother was also looking at me concerned. It seems that she have no idea about this too.

"Myungsoo, don't you think it's too early for her to get married?"

"Honey, we think it's a good idea!" my stepfather cut in.

They both gave many reasons just to support their should I say crazy idea. My mother was speechless, she was holding and caressing my palm the whole time the men were talking about business.

"Think about it," they both said. 

The night felt so long. I just wish to go home.

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