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"Hahahah! I know right! How come I didn't realize that you are a girl!" we laughed together as we talked about the first day we met.

We walked side by side on our way home and I completely forgot that my stepfather was supposed to fetch me at school.

"So, do I call you noona?" he suddenly asked.


"I mean, you are my senior," I looked at him, before nodding.

I was blushing. It was terrible! –not.

We walked some more in silence when Mark asked me where I live.

"We're almost there, just a few blocks from here then turn right, you'll find my house,"

"Sweet! I live nearby. Noona! Let's go to school together!" that was not a question but was it a statement? But I do know that it is certainly a temptation.

A temptation that I cannot refuse.

Speaking of which, "Umm, Mark are you not supposed to be chauffeured? I mean aren't we supposed to be sent to school?'

That was the moment when I remembered about my stepfather. I am so in trouble!

"Yea, I do but it's fine. Look! We are already walking, Besides, it is way more fun! Don't you think?" at first, I hesitated, and then I think it is a good idea!

The day was getting a little darker and Mark was kind enough to walk me up until the front gate. Before he left, I waved him goodbye and of course entered the house happily. I think I am already fallen for him.

"Excuse me Miss, where have you been?" I know that voice and it came from the living room, when I scurried passed by it.

Reversed, I stood by its entrance only to find my stepfather, looking at me sternly, my father who obviously seems disappointed and another two unfamiliar yet familiar guests. I actually think I knew one of them but I couldn't recall where I have seen him.

"The boy," it's my father turns to speak.

But his awfully long pause makes me answer him, "Boy?"

"The guard told us you came back with the boy, you left Minhyuk here waiting for you for hours!" his tone raised up a notch but he managed to tone it back down.

"We were worried about you," my stepfather cut in.

"Sorry," I apologized.

"He's my friend, Mark," I am so nervous. I feel like I am being interrogated for a crime.

They both sighed. Meanwhile the guests were just sitting there calmly as if it was nothing.

"Well, mind you young lady, you are going to get married soon,"

"Married?! To who?"

"Yes, married. Why are you so shocked? We've talked about this," my father reminded.

"And to him," my stepfather then pointed at the familiar young man. He was looking down the entire time; I couldn't even got the chance to figure him out.

I really forgot, about the deal that I unwillingly obey, "How can you forget?"

Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was my mom. She was holding a tray filled with empty cups and a clear tea pot. It is full of green tea. She quietly motioned me to serve it on the coffee table for the men. I took off my backpack and go into the living room with a little bit of a heavy heart, while my mother is following me behind, then she took a seat on the sofa facing them.

I was pouring the tea in each cup when my father spoke, "Jinni, don't you want to greet your fiancé?"

I hissed internally, the word 'fiancé' made me cringed. So, I didn't look up.

"Jinni," he called me again and I turned to look at my father.

"Serve him first," he commanded.

I took the cup on a coaster and held it up in front of my 'fiancé' and waited for him to take it.


Unfortunately he didn't. I had to look up to look at him as to why he is surprised.

"Mr. Chae!" I blurted almost throwing the cup away.

No wonder he looked familiar.

"Yes? I am Mr. Chae," the man who sat next to him joked then he laughed.

"I mean Hyungwon," I corrected myself feeling embarrassed.

"It looks like we don't have to introduce them again," the man, Hyungwon's father took the cup on the table himself and took a sip of the tea.

"Practice calling this brat darling or honey from now on," the man then teased us. He nudged Hyungwon on the arm but Hyungwon seemed unfazed. He was probably too shocked.

They were talking meanwhile I was asked to sit next to Hyungwon. I sat there silently until it is time for the duo to leave.

"Hyungwon will go to school with you tomorrow," Mr. Chae suddenly requested.

We both look at him in surprised but he nodded anyway.

But I am going with Mark tomorrow.

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