Twenty Four

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"Are you positive?"

"Yes." Colton responded firmly.

"Good. Make sure security is on point. I don't need any fuck ups." I rested my arm around Blake as we continued walking forward. It wasn't my life on the line here, it was hers and I needed her safe.

It's weird to hear those words come out of my mouth, but she was important to me now.

"Roman, is this your new girlfriend?" One photographer yelled as he snaps a picture. Others joined in taking photos as we walked toward the entrance.

I knew they were going to be here; it was no surprise. So why not tease them a bit.

"Fiancé actually." I responded as I kept walking.

"Fiancé?" I heard all of them start whispering as more pictures we're being taken.

"Did you have to do that?" Blake quietly yelled at me.

"Why not?" I smirked at her. "Just having a little fun."

She playfully rolled her eyes. "Asshole."

"Your asshole."

As we entered the building, it was packed with familiar faces of my allies. If anything went down tonight with Luis, I knew everyone in this building would have my back. I wasn't stressed or worried at all.

Everything was supposed to go as planned. Find Luis and kill him, quite simple actually. I never thought we'd get this close to him.

I felt how tense Blake's body was as we walked through the crowd of people. "Relax, you're safe."

"I know." She gave an unsure smile. "It's just-."

"Listen, I know-."

We spoke at the same time as we both laughed.

"I won't let anything happen to you, okay?" I reassured her.

A smile appeared on her face while she nodded.

"Roman Ferrari." I turned to the voice that spoke behind me. It was Connor, the man who sells my guns overseas.

"Connor Victor." I held my hand toward him as he quickly shook it.

"It's nice to see you here. You never come to these things." He pointed around the room. "Even though your name is written all over it." He chuckled lightly.

"What can I say, I'm a busy man." I shrugged with a playful grin.

"Well, that is true." He nodded.

"How's my business going overseas?"

"Pretty good actually. More and more money coming in daily. I think we could possibly expand."

"That's what I like to hear."

"Ah, how rude am I." He faced Blake. "Connor Victor."

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