Thirty Five

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I don't think Blake knows the true dangers that come with this life. She's been acting ruthless lately, and I don't know if she truly knows what she's doing. I laid back into my chair behind my desk as my sister bandaged up my face.

"You know what's crazy?" Nora raised a brow.


"That I'm just now finding out I'm going to be an aunt." She said nonchalantly.

I ran a hand down my face. "Blake told you?"

"On accident, but yes."

"And you're mad?"

"I'm not. I'm actually excited to have a little one running around here." She giggled.

I was surprised by her response. I explained to her the threats that could be coming our way. I wanted to know her opinion. She always gave me the truth and never sugar coated anything.

"To be honest Roman, I think it's your choice on whether to let Blake meet with Luis or not. But she has feelings too so you must ask her what she thinks also."

I rolled my eyes. "You know she'll agree to go."

"And that's her choice."

"She's pregnant Nora. I can't risk both their lives."

She placed a hand on my shoulder. "Just talk to her. You need to learn to communicate brother." She chuckled.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Nora yelled.

Blake walked in looking guilty rubbing a hand across her neck. I was surprised she actually knocked, she'd usually just burst in.

"I'll go get some more bandages." Nora said. She smiled at Blake on her way out.

"How you feeling?" Blake asked.

I shrugged. "Stressed."

She came and sat on my lap. "I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to be an ass."

"I'm not mad at you."

"Really? It's just, knowing there's a threat coming makes me want to stop it. Knowing that I can stop it at that."

"But that's the thing Blake. We don't know if what Krue said was true. It could be another trap. But I do have one person who could probably confirm it."

Her eyebrows raised. "Who?"

"We found your mother in the abandoned building." I said as I continued to tell her what went down.

Her eyes started watering. "Tell me you're lying. Where is she!" She stood. "I want to know now!" She yelled.

I didn't know if it was her hormones, but she's been acting without thinking lately. I wasn't use to the sudden attitude out of no where.

"Calm down. You're not in your right mind right now. You can see her later, when you've calmed down."

"How dare you tell me what I need right now."

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