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I glanced around at every building and house as we made our way toward the center of town where the meeting was being held. It looked like something you'd see in movies. I never knew someone could own a town like this. There were light poles, actual streets, houses, and flowers nicely planted everywhere. I knew it had to cost millions to be built.

Roman had his hand on my lower back as he guided me through the newly forming crowd.

"Calm down." He gave my hip a squeeze.

"I'm calm."

"Lies. I can feel how tense your body is."

"I'm just cold. But I'll be fine." I reassured him. It was terribly cold outside. I wish this meeting could've been done somewhere inside.

"Do you want my jacket?" He asked as he kissed my ear. "I need you on point."

I bit my tongue from the small pleasure that kiss gave me. Control yourself Blake, right now isn't the time. It's all an act anyways.

"Thank you, but I'll be fine."

People gave me unsure looks but greeted Roman as if he was royalty. I rolled my eyes. This is so stupid, why did I even go along with this.

I had on jeans and a basic hoodie. My hair was actually down this time and of course Roman out did me with his suit and tie. Everyone we walked by had on expensive outfits. That's probably why they looked at me so awkwardly.

As we made it to the front, everyone's eyes shifted towards us. It was over 100 people standing here right now.

I started feeling uneasy. I was used to people staring at me as I danced on the pole, but this... felt different. Roman sensed my discomfort and put his hand around my waist, resting it on my hip.

"Everybody listen up." He scanned the area. "This may come as a shock to some people. But this was my decision a hundred percent. This is Blake, my fiancé." He paused as gasps and whispers flowered through the crowd. "And I expect you all to treat her with the same respect you give me or you won't live to see the next day." He said in such a clear but demeaning voice.

"Is she going to be shared?" A guy in front of the crowd said jokingly as he looked around for others to laugh with him but everyone else's eyes went wide.

Roman tilted his head to the side as a small smirk rose on his face. His face quickly shifted straight as he pulled his gun from his waist. "Yeah, we can if you're willing to die though."

I looked around nervously as everyone else didn't looked phased by his actions. Was this normal? I cleared my throat. Of course, it was.

Roman left my side, walking up to the guy putting the tip of the gun into his forehead. Roman gave him a smile as the man's face turned into fear.

"You must be one big idiot." Roman teased pushing the gun harder into his forehead.

He tried to talk calmly but his voice trembled. "I didn't mean it sir. It was just a joke."

"I know you're new around here. But don't ever, test me again, or I'll put a bullet in your fucking head. I don't give second chances."

Maybe I should've said something. But I knew stepping in would've pissed Roman off more. Nobody else stepped up or told Roman to stop, so I knew I shouldn't either.

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