Thirty Seven

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"So what's the plan?" I asked Rae.

"Well, i've talked to Colton and you have as much authority as Roman. So if you want someone out, you can get them out."

"Okay, good. Where's Verona?" I asked. I was sick of her shit. She's been a pain of my ass since I got here and she doesn't deserve to be here. I know it might sound harsh for me to tell someone what they deserve and don't, but anyone can agree Verona is a pain in the ass. Roman could easily find a replacement for her father. And I feel as if she's a threat to me.

"I had Nora figure out where she is, she's on the east side of the empire." Rae responded.

"Let's go."

I didn't really have a plan but to tell her to pack her shit and leave. I hope it was going to be quick and easy. I'm sure she was going to blow up at me about this, but i'm sure Roman will agree with whatever choice I make, well I hope.

We made it to the east side of the empire. There we're 4 buildings that sat on a dead end street. It was a cafe, bar and 2 houses. Verona was standing there yelling at some man.

"And you better give me my money, I didn't fuck you for free." She aggressively pointed at the man.

"You're crazy." He said as he ran off.

"Well she is indeed a whore." Rae shook her head.

"Let's just get this over with." I said approaching her.

She turned once she heard our footsteps.

"Why the hell are you at my house." She crossed her arms.

"To tell you to pack your shit and go."

She laughed. "Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"Roman's wife and what I says goes." Okay maybe I was getting ahead of myself with this new title, but it honestly felt good to say.

Her face lighten up a bit. "I only listen to Roman's orders, not yours sweetie."

I stepped closer. "Well today i'm giving orders."

"You better step back bitch." Verona started to get loud.

"Or what?" I threatened stepping in her face.

"Blake, how about we calm down." Rae stepped beside me. "You're pregnant." She whispered to me.

She was right. I couldn't just think about myself and ego right now. I needed to calm down.

"Your little puppy had to stand up for you?" Verona laughed. "Maybe you should leave this black bitch alone and join your own kind?" Verona raised a brow, looking at Rae.

I've seen Rae pissed before, but right now she was boiling.

"You racist bitch. You're the reason the world sucks right now." Rae furiously said. "She may be pregnant and can't fight you, but I can."

Rae ran at her and both of them were punching each other until Verona grabbed Rae's hair and they both hit the ground. Verona's always going for the hair. I didn't know what to do, none of this was going how I expected it to.

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