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"Come on, tell me everything." Rae smirked as she poured herself a glass of wine in the kitchen.

It was the next morning and I was exhausted. I was able to go home early, because of the club shutting down for the rest of the day. Something dealing with Geraldo.

I slouched on the couch, relaxing my body. "Nothing happened, I gave him a lap dance. That's all."

Rae sat across from me as she rolled her eyes. "I don't believe you one bit. So you tell me a sexy man comes in, wants a dance from you and you do nothing?"

"Exactly." I sarcastically smiled.

"When's the last time you've had sex?" She asked taking a sip of wine.

"Wha-. Do we have to talk about this right now?"

"Come onn." She dragged on. "Maybe that's why you're always grumpy."

"I'm not grumpy."

I didn't need a man. I never had my mind set on a man, only on my career. Which was tragically failing.

She grinned. "You sure about that? Now tell me more about this sexy man."

I rolled my eyes as I gave in. "He was tall, about 6 feet, black curly hair. Nothing too special." I said nonchalantly. I lied terribly, he was something special. He was the most handsome man I've ever seen.

"Was he white or black?" She raised a brow.

"Does that matter?" I widened my eyes at her question.

"I'm sure he was white. You have a thing for white men." She giggled.

"What? I do not." I mumbled. "I've never been with a white man before."

"Or a man at all," She lightly chuckled. "But I've always noticed you taking interest in the white ones." She took another sip of wine.

I shook my head at her with a laugh. "Can we talk about Geraldo?" I needed to change the subject, I didn't want to talk about Roman anymore. He was hot, yes. But it was just a dance, it wasn't like I was going to see him again. Plus, I only did it for the money.

She rolled her eyes. "He got shot or something. We have a new owner taking over until he recovers." She responded. "Well, that's what Kelly told me."

"Are you sure you weren't the one to shoot him?" I asked jokingly.

She started laughing, "Yeah right, I hate the guy but not that much."

We both started laughing.

"Have you contacted your dad?" She asked seriously.

I felt my heart drop by her words. I haven't told Rae everything about my past, about my parents to be exact. It was something I wanted to forget. My father was never around. I was 18 when my mother died and I was alone. She was my world.

My dad would show up here and there and easily controlled my mom into believing she needed him when she didn't. God, I wish she was stronger. Somehow, she died in a car accident, but till this day I don't believe that bullshit story my dad told me. I hate him. He hasn't done anything for me.

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