Twenty Six

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I couldn't breath. I couldn't think. I froze staring at this woman, my mother. She looked so different, so much older. Her face was rounder, her hair was longer and straight. She always had her hair curled, she hated it straight. I didn't know what to think in this moment. What happened to her.

"I- I thought you were dead?" I stuttered as I felt tears fall down my face. She pulled me into a tight hug as my eyes closed embracing her warmth. It was hard to stop myself from crying. I couldn't believe she was alive.

She didn't answer as she hugged me tightly.

"Back to your duties Blaire!" Penelope yelled pointing a finger at my mother.

I pulled away from her, gunning toward Penelope. "Don't you dare!" I stepped closer but felt Roman's hand grip my wrist.

"Don't." His voice sounded deeper. I gave him an unhappy look as I faced my mother.

She smiled. "We'll talk later." And then she was gone.

I was so confused.. and more lost than ever. Why did my mother obey her so easily. I haven't seen her in years and she walked away from me without a wink. My heart ached when she left my presence, how could she just walk away from me. Why was she here in the first place. And with Roman's family.

I looked over my shoulder toward Roman as I felt my anger intense. "You bastard!" I screamed walking toward him. "How dare you. You knew my mother was here and didn't tell me?" I got in his face.

"Blake." He warned as he kept his voice steady. "Calm down."

"Why is my mother here." I screamed staring at him. "And don't you dare lie to me."

"I don't know Blake." Was all he said.

I balled my fist as I turned toward Penelope.

She stood straight as her platinum blonde hair was tight in a bun. She was old and wore a dress that cost thousands, maybe millions. It had so many jewels and designs on it. She had a look of evil, like she was someone not to mess with, but I didn't care. I was pissed.

"Why is she here?" I said once again. "Can someone answer me!" I yelled.

She looked me up and down before meeting my gaze. "You must speak with Sir Ferrari."

I turned looking at Roman.

"Not him."

My brows inched together as I didn't understand her meaning. I heard footsteps entering the den as I turned to see the rest of Roman's family. Just his mother, father and Nora. Which I was happy about. If his fathers side joined also, I would've tore this whole den apart.

But their expression changed as they seen the anger on my face.

"Him." Penelope said.

Mr. Ferrari eyes met mine as I noticed the tense look on his face. Mrs. Ferrari and Nora looked confused, but he looked like he knew exactly what was going on.

"Why. Is. My. Mother. HERE!" My voice was loud and echoed, but I didn't care. I wanted answers, I needed them.

"This wasn't supposed to happen like this." Mr. Ferrari spoke as he sighed. "We can talk about this, somewhere quieter."

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