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There were so many articles, pictures, and even fantasy books about him.

Many links were about his jobs, his life, how old he was. I was shocked to see he was only 29. We were 5 years apart.

I knew deep down he was a dangerous man, but I know some parts of him had to be good. There had to be. Not everyone was pure evil, even the evilest people had a good side, well some. I guess that was the lawyer part of me speaking. Seeking justice for people even when they didn't deserve it.

Many of these articles were about his dealings with other dangerous men. I didn't want to click on those, they seemed boring even though I knew they'd point me to my answer. Isn't that what I wanted though? To see what kind of man he really was. I continued to ignore those articles and looked at others.

I clicked on an article that read,

Does billionaire Roman Ferrari, have a girlfriend? 

It was a picture of Roman with a girl wrapped in his arms. She smiled happily, while his face remained blank. He looked uninterested as she looked full of energy. I guess that's just the kind of person he is, a one-night stand kind of guy.

They were entering a hotel. I'm sure we all knew what they were about to do next. They continued to talk about all the girls he'd bring into hotels different nights and how he doesn't know how to settle down with one girl. It wasn't a surprise he was having sex with different women. I rolled my eyes.

I clicked off that article and went to another.

Was Roman Ferrari's brother's death accidental or on purpose?

I frowned at the words of the article. It was a huge picture of Roman standing at a gravestone. He had on an all-black suit with a black pea coat. I can tell it was during the winter by the snow on the ground. There was an older man and woman across from him, that looked like his parents. They all had the same physical features. He was holding a little girl's hand, which I assume is his sister. None of them showed emotion in the picture, but the little girl who was crying.

His family was known by a lot of people. His father was the head of their organization before Roman took over. It says the organization is a tech company and they own many different side businesses but I'm sure that's all a cover up. I rolled my eyes. I do wonder what kind of life he lived growing up.

Even though he was a criminal and people knew that, they still fantasized over him. I shook my head.

"Find anything interesting." Rae questioned which made me turn my attention away from my phone.

"Yeah, how the internet's basically saying he's a rich man that only cares about himself and to top it off, a dangerous man." I said sarcastically.

She tilted her head at me, "And?"

"And? And what?"

"Do you like him?"

I stared at her like I seen a ghost. "AND, what makes you say that Rae?"

I wonder why she would say I like him. I barley know him. Hell, he is a criminal for god's sake. He is an interesting man, but with the things people were saying, did I really want to be around a man people practically called the devil.

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