Papyrus woke up, hoping the events of last night were just a dream. He was wrong, everything that happened was real.
Papyrus: (Am I really stuck in this game? No! There has to be a way out! I am sure of it!)
Just then a knock was heard.
Papyrus: Ah! Come on in, friend!
The person who was at the door was Toriel, she seemed as kind as ever
Toriel: Good morning Papyrus, I made breakfast for everyone! Come get it while it's hot!
Papyrus: Ah yes! The most important meal of the day! I will head to eat right away!
Papyrus instantly hopped out of bed, still in his Battle Body, causing Toriel to giggle slightly
Toriel: Alright, I shall go get the others. Please make sure nobody else eats until everyone gets there.
Papyrus: You can count on me Queen Dreemurr!
Papyrus ran to the cafeteria seeing Clementine, Waluigi, and Travis waiting at the table
Papyrus: Ah! Good morning humans!
Travis: I wouldn't exactly call this a good morning, but right back at you.
Clementine: Good morning Papyrus
Waluigi: It is a good morning, because last night's watch went successful! Nobody even tried to leave their rooms!
Papyrus: Because it is as I thought! None of us would try to kill each other!
Just then four other people came in. Crypto, Sans, Pit, and Murray
Sans: Morning guys
Murray: Where's breakfast
Papyrus: Sorry dear friend, Queen Dreemurr said not to eat until everyone gets here!
Pit: Why exactly do you call Tori "Queen Dreemurr"?
Sans: Oh well, it's because she used to be the Queen of where we are from.
Travis: So that Goat girl is a queen?
Papyrus: Precisely! And she was kind enough to make us breakfast, so we should listen to her requests!
Murray: I suppose you are right
Crypto: As if I what would eat the food made by earth monkeys
Pit: But she's a-
Then Samus, Sly, Gary, Zelda, Phoenix, and Maya walked in
Sans: Oh hey Nick, hey Maya.
Papyrus: Even more friends coming for breakfast, this sure is a great morning!
Maya: Yeah, it kinda makes you forget about our situation
Phoenix: I wouldn't go that far, but it is relaxing
Travis: I just realized! If Toriel is getting everyone else for breakfast, she is going to be alone with Dark Pit!
Travis immediately slid across the table and ran to make sure Toriel was alright
Gary: Pfft, show off
Crypto: You're one to talk
Gary: Hey, I actually earned the right to show off
Waluigi: Oh be quiet! We are all Ultimates, don't act so high and mighty!
Gary: Well, at least I'm not the Ultimate Failure!
Papyrus: GUYS! No need to fight! (Jeez, everyone is so pushy. Surely they just need a friend of the Great Papyrus!)