Sky College chapter 16: unwanted guests

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I screamed slightly and turned around quickly ready to swing only to see jimin there laughing his ass off at me.

At first I was mad but then just seeing him made me feel relieved. I buried my head into his shoulder and wrapped my arms around him. He seem to have been taken a back from my sudden action.

" did you miss me that badly" he asked wrapping his arms around me.

I nodded into his shoulder

" are you okay" he asked

"I just missed you"

He pulled me over and sat me down on the bed then got up and closed the window blinds

" course who wouldn't miss me" he joked and sat next to me

I smiled and kissed those soft lips that I missed so much, wrapping my arms around his neck

He smiled into the kiss and grab hold of my waist pulling me in tighter. I only feel like crying only know realizing just how much I've missed him. After a few moments of kissing he pulled away and looked at me.

"I think we need to have a movie time" he told me sensing that I was upset. I nodded and we made a bowl of popcorn and got us some drinks and popped in one of the only DVDs I had; Mulan.

We laid on the bed cuddling and for the first time all day I felt completely at ease. I really didn't pay any attention to the movie only to him watching his chest rise and fall while he breathed. I could tell he knew that I was only watching him but he didn't mind he only smiled and pulled me closer kissing my forehead gently.

I begin kissing his neck knowing that this would get his attention and irritate him. At first he didn't respond so I began to move further down to his collar bone where I licked gently before biting down

"okay!" he said and tried to wiggle away "why are you doing this to me!"

I giggled and looked at him innocently "no reason. Just teasing"

"well it's not okay" he said

I did it again

"ahhgg" he said and started squishing me in his arms

"I can't breath!" I joked

"your fine I'm watching my movie" he teased back

I laughed and tried pushing away but failed miserably. He was to strong.

"oppa!" I yelled as cutely as possible

"don't oppa me! "

"oppa oppa oppa! " I yelled

"no not going to work"

We laughed together when someone knocked on my front door. He released me from his grip and I popped my head up looking at him confused.

Who would be here? I asked myself

Whoever was knocked again only louder. he had completely released me from his grip so that I could stand up and go and check it.

I open the door not knowing what I was going to find on the other side but when I did find only pissed me off and creeped me out. when I opened the door there stood Theo .

He stood there looking at me with wonder

"Can I come in?" he asked

I looked at him with disgust. "No you can't come in."

"I just thought that since you are busy maybe I would come and visit you "

"Now's not a good time."

He took a step forward almost into my apartment." then when is a good time? "He asked

My head slightly turned in the direction of jimin who is still laying on my bed. I gave him a slight panic look and he seem to understand because shot up and quickly hid in the closet. About that time Theo took another step forward into my apartment making me back up.

"What are you doing in here?" He asked

"I'm watching a movie."

"By yourself? "


Then why are there two glasses? "

"ones from last night" I lied

"I can join you." He pleaded

"No. Leave."

"Look... I just want to talk. How have you been I missed you. I'm going to school like you wanted."

"I don't want to talk to you I don't want anything to do with you. How do you even know where I live?"

"I saw you walking. I Drive this way on the way to work."

"please leave." I felt utterly creeped out

He sighed and look down nodding.

"Fine. I'll give you some time.

He then turned around and left."

I shut the door and turned to see Jimin looking at me concerned and confused.

"what's been going on? First today at lunch, now you have some guy showing up at your door. Who was that?"

I sighed "that was my ex..."

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